Chapter 10

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Heather's POV

"What crap is this!?!? Do it again!!!
I slam the paper on my table.

"okay ma'am I'm sorry

"submit it to me after lunch, now leave!

After my staff left my office, I sat back on my reclining chair and massage my temple.

I've been grumpy for these past days,
thanks to these shit load of paper works and of course the thing that happened between me and Deanna.

It's been a couple of days since the last time we've talked.
I didn't bother to contact her knowing that she doesn't want to do anything with me. Though i knew her for like only a day or two but i fell hard for her.
I miss her, I want her but what can I do?
There's no future that awaits for us,
she doesn't even want me.
She's straight and she already rejected me.

Maybe it's time for me to give up, maybe she's not the one that meant for me.

"hey there beautiful.

I was startled and look back to the person who was talking.

"Have you ever heard about knocking?  I said

"oh trust me babe, I knocked like for a couple of times

"oh yeah? Whatever. So what do you want?
I ask irritably.

"what? well is it wrong for me to visit you?

"not really but I'm kinda busy so if there's nothing important for you to say,
then will you please excuse me,
I have lots of things to do.

"don't talk to me like that I'm still your boss.
And what's with the temper babe?
Are you menopausing? She laughed.

"haha, so funny Stacy,
so Ms CEO Stacy Volk what can I do for you?
I asked sarcastically

She walk towards me and sat on my table while facing me.

"well Heather I don't know what happened to you but these past few days you've been so grumpy,
so what's wrong?

I sighed.

"I'm just stress

"It's that all ?? She said while raising her left eyebrows

"fine... I met someone, I like her, I thought that she likes me too, but she didn't. She rejected me.

"oh that kinda hurts huh?
So why don't you just find someone else like you used to.

"you know that I'm done with those things Stacy.

"okay alright, then how about me?

Then she lifted my chin and started kissing me.
Her lips were soft and sweet but not as sweet as Deanna's lips.

"please stop

"What? Why? It's not like you never had sex with me before.

Then she tried to kiss me again but I refuse.

"look Stacy I told you I don't do these things anymore,
besides we're just friends now,
not a fuck buddy or whatsoever just like before.

"okay fine fine. I give up. Friends blah blah blah..
Then how about we hang out tomorrow?

"sorry but I don't feel like going anywhere

"oh come on! Don't be like that.
Just a couple of drinks.
Don't just mope under your blankets,
don't make yourself miserable,
it's just a girl. You'll find someone better,
maybe she's not the one for you right?
She already rejected you, remember?

I paused for a second and think.

"I guess you're right, I need to move on.
If she doesn't want me, okay, then don't.

"Yes that's right, good, maybe you'll meet someone tomorrow

"well whatever Stacy and please can you leave now?
I need to finish my work so that we can go party tomorrow.

"okay babe, see you tomorrow. Then she left.


I finish preparing myself,
I'm wearing a black fitted dress, above-the-knee,
and black stilettos,
I let my hair down and put a little bit of makeup.

(The image above is what heather's wearing)

I drove to Omega, it's the bar near our company.
I immediately went in and head towards our table. Stacy is already there waiting for me.

"hey babe, WOW!!! You're so beautiful.
She kissed me on my cheek.

"so do you, anyways who are these ladies?
I pointed at the two ladies behind her.

"oh this is Taylor and Stephanie,
we've met a while ago and I invited them to drink with us.

"oh I see I extended my hand to shake theirs and introduce myself. Then I sat across Stacy.

The brunette girl walked towards me and sat right beside me.

"hi you look so gorgeous, how old are you?
The brunette girl named Taylor asked.

"I'm 23 you look great too. Then she smiled

Couple of hours have passed we talked a lot,
she's a type of person that you can easily talk to.

It's our second bottle of whiskey and I feel a little tipsy so I decided to stop drinking.
I need to drive back home so I need to sober up.

I look at Stacy but she's nowhere to be found and so the other girl.

I bet she's already fucking that blonde girl. I sighed and massage my temple.

Well that's great, leaving me behind huh.

"hey are you okay? Taylor said.

"yes I just feel a little bit dizzy I just need to rest

"do you want to rest somewhere with me?
Somewhere more quiet?

Then she moved closer to me and touch my thigh while staring at me

As I was about to answer her when someone grabbed my arm and to my surprise it's Deanna.

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