Chapter 35

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Heather's POV


The beautiful ambiance is now in front of me, a garden that is decorated with white flowers, birds chirping and a mellow sound of piano in the background...
A very beautiful set-up for a beautiful occasion that being held, people are smiling while waiting for the love of my love of life,
I anxiously fidgeted my hands while waiting for her, my knees almost gave up from what I felt like eternity, when she appear.

The goddess from heaven, wearing a very beautiful white wedding gown and veil in her head, the white gown compliments her beauty, white porcelain skin, pinkish lips and her glowing eyes that hints of happiness.

I smiled widely while staring at her walking down the aisle while holding a white flower,

"You're indeed the most beautiful woman in this world. I mumbled.

My hands start to sweat, and my heart is pounding while she walks closer and closer to me.

And now, with her by my side, I couldn't help but smile even wider. A tear run down my cheek, hidden behind the lenses of my glasses. She wouldn't notice it, but that didn't matter. Her smile was all that mattered. A few seconds passed, and she glided past me, heading towards the altar where her groom patiently waited her.

"So this is it Heather, you can do this, it's for her own good, for her happiness, I mumbled while watching the wedding ceremony to finish.

As I heard the priest said those words, I immediately turn my gaze from them.

"And here, I proudly announce Mr. and Mrs. Gomez, you may now kiss the bride.

As I hear the cheering of people I slowly walked away, now that it's done, I lost the love of my life, the woman that I also want to marry and have a family with, the woman I wished to be with when I grow old, the woman I can proudly say my wife, in a blinked of an eye I LOST HER.


I slowly open the door and there she was still laying on her bed with oxygen on her face, her eyes are still shut and no hints of waking up soon, I put the flowers on the table and took the chair beside her, I caressed her beautiful face, after half a year of being in coma her body has now recovered, no more bruises, only mild scars.

"Hey my love, how are you? When will you wake up? I miss you so much, I miss your hugs and kisses, your sweet voice.


"If you are wondering about me, well here I am still breathing (chuckle) I'm keeping myself busy from work so that I will not go insane because I really miss you so much, time to time I take Andrei out, he keep on asking me why you're still not waking up. And also don't worry Bert is keeping his responsibility of taking care of him, we also became friends though I know the history of both of you. But I saw that he regrets what happened with your relationship and now, all he wanted is for you to wake up and be happy.

"Deanna you kn-

"What are you doing here?

"Anna I just want to vis-

"How many times I told you not to come here?? Don't you see her? She's still laying in her bed not waking up because of you! You put her here! Do you think that when she wakes up and saw you she will be happy?? Think twice Heather you know that she hated you so much!

"Anna please stop. It's her other friend Courtney

"No Courtney! You know that it's true she doesn't want Heather to be near her!

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