Chapter 3

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Deanna’s POV

I’m currently sitting here in my office thinking about that lady that I bumped into earlier.

“I didn’t even get her name.

yeah yeah how am I suppose to get her name when she’s obviously mad at me (sigh).

Thinking of her again, I noticed her ID.
So she works at the XX Company.
Well that’s pretty near the bar that I used to hang out with my friends..

hmm how old is she?

While I was drowning with my own thoughts, I felt a presence behind me so I look back.


“kyaaah!!! Holly cow Anna!
You scared the shit out of me.

Don’t you know how to knock???

“oh dear I knocked a couple of times.

I think you didn’t heard it so I let myself in.
and then there you are sitting on your chair and you’re obviously thinking of something and your mind is not here.

"So what are you thinking? She asked nosily.

“hmmm. Lots of things honestly. I replied.

“what things?
You know that I’m always here right?
Always ready to listen.
I’m your friend.

“geez, well for starters, it’s about Bert.

“yeah? What about that douchebag?

“whatever. (I sighed) well I think there something off about him,

aside from not coming home and not being a responsible father to our son,

he’s losing weight, and those dark circles around his eyes. I wonder what's wrong.

“oh my God! He’s using drugs for sure.

“I glared at her, no I think that’s not it, maybe he’s just tired of his gig.

Anna rolled her eyes

“girl we both know that your boyfriend is an asshole! No wonder if he’ll cheat on you and fuck some random girl behind your back.

“why don’t you just break up with him?
There’s literally lots of men out there, you can surely find someone who will truly love and take care of you and your son.

“you know that I can’t do that. I said

“why not?? He’s not worth it!
He even pushed himself to you!
You don’t even want to have se-.

I cut her off

“geez! Anna will you stop??

I don’t want to remember that anymore.

“this is personal but I need to ask this dear.
Why did you choose to be with him even if we both know that you don’t even love him that much?

“Anna I love him,
I chose to be with him because he saved me.
You know that right?
He was there for me when nobody is.

“yeah right.
But look at him now!!
He’s changed!
You know it but you just didn’t want to admit it to yourself!

“fine! fine! He changed! But still...

She rolled her eyes again.

“okay fine, so you’re stressing yourself thinking about that jerk again as always

“(sigh). I don’t know what to do with you. She whispered frustratedly.

Then a face pop up on my mind.


“you know what. i met someone earlier.

“oh, who’s this lucky guy that caught your attention?

“well he’s not a guy but a girl.

I had a little accident earlier and bumped into her.

I looked at Anna’s face and she’s shocked.

“holy cow! Are you a lesbian now?
Shall I welcome you to our world?
She said with a wide smile on her face.

Oh I forgot to tell you that my friend “Anna” is gay.
So gay that she’s always saying that
“the breast is the most wonderful thing that God created”
Yes! Super gay right?

“NO!!! don’t get me wrong, I’m straight. I don’t see any  girls like that.

“well not until you met this girl. So what’s her name?

“I don’t know, i have no idea. It’s kinda complicated.

“why? What happened?

Anna said while leaning on my table, with curious expression.

Then I told her what happened this morning.

“oh my Gosh! You idiot! She said while holding her tummy, laughing her ass loud.

“yeah laugh all you want. I rolled my eyes.

“it’s so funny, you met a Goddess and you stain her beauty. Just kidding, you spilled a coffee on her clothes and now you can’t stop thinking about her,
maybe you’re attracted to her?

“(sigh) Anna I told you I’m straight, I’m not attracted to her or whatsoever.

“fine. So, when will you meet her again?

“I don’t know, she said she’ll contact me soon.

“okay anyways, Courtney called me last night,
she’s asking if we can hang out this coming Saturday night?

“I don’t know, I have lots of thing to do,
look at those stacks of files on my table.

I pointed it out to her.

“I need to finish those.

“oh come on we still have 4days before Saturday.
So make sure you finish it before then.

And jeez look at you!

You’ve been stressed out this whole week,
you better chill sometimes dear.

I think she’s right, I need to unwind, I want to have fun.

“I guess you’re right. So I’ll go,
I’ll just leave Andrei to Tanya.

“sound good, well then I gotta go.



And with that she’s gone.

And now let’s start this.

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