Is a spy always so open to changing plans?

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The past few weeks were the some of the most stressful I've had by far. Training Anya to ace the crossword puzzle. As well as to make sure sure Loid doesn't think twice before adopting her.

The patterns aren't hard whatsoever, and they repeat a word every other paper; using this, I was able to find  a pattern and traced it over the paper Anya has, to allow her to ace spelling those words.

Today was the day Loid Forger; or more accurately, Twilight was coming.

A soft creak alerted the children that a visitor had come.

"Huh? You wanna adopt?" The  obviously drunk, caretaker asked.

"Indeed, I heard that your orphanage was looking for candidates. You see my wife and I-"

"Yeah sure, take whichever one you want."

Loid pov:

What a terrible environment.. but the shadier the establishment, the more likely these children have complicated pasts. But because of that, it'll be easier to alter their stories.

I can make this mission work if I have a child.

I would've preferred to handle this on my own, but it's practically impossible to disguise myself as a child, no matter how skilled I am.

"Pardon me? If possible, I'd like a child who can read and write."

"Well in that case.. oi Anya! She's the smartest one we've got. She doesn't talk much, but she's a good kid."

Caretaker pov: 

She's a creepy, disgusting little brat. I'd be more than happy to get her outta my hair.

"Go on, say hello."

Ali pov:

This motherfucker really ignored me- whatever, I can blackmail right? I mean I may be like six, but I can still throw hands.

Loid pov: 

"Uhm excuse me?"

If my memory serves me right, the earliest a child can enter Eden is six. This child looks as if she's four or five.

"I'm six! And Ali is too!" She pointed at a girl reading what seems to be a book for children twice her age.

"Mhm." She looked in our direction and nodded, before going back to her book.

"What? You're both six?"

Honestly, this caretaker doesn't even know these kids' ages. But they're so small..

"Hm? The paper?" The girl named Anya headed for the paper, surly these crosswords are too hard for her.

Obviously for myself this is far too easy.

One down is homeostasis, one across is casual closure, the one below is symplectomorphism.

 Anya flipped the paper around and revealed her answers. 

Wait seriously? She completed it? Such unbelievable intellect. She should have no problem passing the entrance exam.

"I'll take her."

"Wait!" Anya cried.


"Ali helped Anya solve the crossword! Ali did it too! See!"

She flipped the paper on the other side, to show another crossword puzzle, which was solved with a hundred percent accuracy.

"I- I'll take her too! Now for the paperwork.."

"Don't worry about that, just take them already."

My mission to end up with a child was a success. Everything going so well, that it's starting to worry me.

"You're both fine with this right?"

Ali nodded, contently.

"I'm allowed to bring my book, right?"

"That's right."

Anya pov:

A spy mission, so exiting!

That one narrator pov:

"And this child, happened to be a telepath, while the other, happened to have the conscience of someone from another world."

"Peanuts!" A spy x family oc insert (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now