This girl...

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Ali pov:

Master Henderson!

I hope he saw this girl.

"Are you aware of who this girl is?" He motioned toward me.

"No sir.."

"This is one of if not the brightest student Eden has ever received! Not only is she elegant, but she is also incredibly talented!"

"This girl was trying to insult me!" The girl claimed, and her friends followed her.

"Forger, what happened?"

"She insulted my sister and myself after that, she pushed me. I told her to stop, and she told me she'd get me expelled."

"Liar!" One of her friends interrupted me.

"I'm not done. Have your parents ever taught you any manners? Excuse my language... but shut the fuck up. Not only are you a cunt, but a bitch too! Who actually gives a fuck about who you are? Because that sure as hell isn't me."

Master Henderson was shocked... probably my interesting vocabulary.

"Anyways, I'll be getting something to eat now. Please excuse me."

I left for the cafeteria.

These spoiled brats are going to be the end of me I swear...

"Peanuts!" A spy x family oc insert (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now