Gonna go on an ooting.

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Ali pov:

Anya's singing her ooting song, and my eyes burn from the sun.

I asked Loid to install curtains so I wouldn't have to see that monstrosity, but it seems I cant avoid it forever.


"Do you wanna hold my hand mama?" Anya held out her hands for Yor.

"I-if you don't mind."

Loid was lost in thought, so was Yor.

Not a moment later Anya hid behind a shrub, in fear.

Was Yor talking about how she broke two of her brother's ribs by hugging him too hard?

That's most likely the case.

Yor had tears in her eyes.

"A-anyways, where are we going?"

"Because of some of my connections, I was able to acquire tickets to an opera." 

"Oh come on! I wanted to see an orchestra! Operas are so boring!" I argued.

Lets just say I was forced to go to the opera.

Loid was smiling, Anya was sleeping, and it looked like Yor was losing her braincells at a tremendous rate.

I on the other hand was reading my book, even if it is seen as disrespectful.

Next up, we went to a museum.

"You both, no yelling while in here."


"Dad! She's nude!" I pointed to a picture of a naked woman.

Soon, we saw a drawing board for children, and I thought it was the perfect time to show off my skills as a former art major.

I had drawn a picture of Anya and myself holding hands, and smiling.

When I turned around however, some kid went over to my drawing, and starting messing it up!

"You bitch, you'll pay for that!" I went on top of him, making him fall over, and started pulling his hair.

His mother came in.

"What happened?! What have you done to my child?!"

"He deserved it, he ruined my art."

His mother looked up, shocked to see a well-drawn picture with scribbles over it.

"I-I am so sorry!"

"Fine, I will accept your apology, as children are quite chaotic."

I heard the footsteps of three people behind me.

"Hm? Oh, you're here."

"What've you done now?"

"Nothing!" I tried to feign innocence.

Loid eyed me suspiciously.

Anya pointed at my picture.

"What's that?"

"Oh, I drew that."

"Really?" Loid questions.


"Peanuts!" A spy x family oc insert (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now