Fall Formal Zone Act 4: Encounters and Even More Faces

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Y/n, Miles, and Twilight were now at lunch at the cafeteria, Fluttershy had ended up joining them for lunch.

Twilight: I know we've just met but I was wondering if you might be able to help me with something.

Fluttershy: Of course!

Twilight: I've decided to run for Princess of the Fall Formal and-

Fluttershy gasps in shock.

Fluttershy: Oh gosh! I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Y/n: Why?

Fluttershy: Sunset Shimmer wants to be Fall Formal Princess and when she wants something, she gets it and she'll use any tricks to get it. Just ask the last girl who tired to run for Princess.

Y/n: *whispering to Miles* By tricks I'm betting that means Sunset Shimmer is probably cheating and using any dirt against her opponents who are also running for Princess.

Miles: *whispering to Y/n* You want to monitor social media to keep an eye out for anything Sunset might be trying to do to ruin Twilight or anyone else?

Y/n: *whispering to Miles* If you could

Miles: *whispering to Y/n* I'm on it.

Twilight: I have to try!

Fluttershy: Oh, I don't think you understand. You'd have to convince everyone here to vote for you instead of her: the athletes, the fashionistas, the dramas, the eco-kids, the techies, the rockers...

Twilight: Why is everypony–

Spike then pops out of Twilight's backpack and slaps her across the head before returning to the backpack.

Twilight: I mean everybody separated this way?

Fluttershy: Maybe it was different at your old school, but at CHS, everybody sticks to their own kind. One thing that they do have in common is that they know Sunset Shimmer is gonna rule the school until we graduate.

Y/n: That's not going to happen! I refuse to let it happen!

Twilight and Fluttershy turn to Y/n. 

Y/n: I told Twilight that me and Miles were going to help her run for Princess and we're going to do it. We need to show everyone what the Princess should really be. She needs to be kind, caring, and beautiful like Twilight here or even you Fluttershy.

Miles noticed the two girls blushing and smirked.

Miles: Nice speech bro, don't forget that the Princess shouldn't be a bully who thinks she can get whatever she wants.

Twilight: R-Right. So where can we find the head of the party planning committee?

Y/n: I think I know just the person.

Miles: Her?

Y/n: Yep!


After having lunch, Y/n, Miles, and Twilight were on their way to the gym and soon arrived at the decoration covered gym.

Y/n: She should be here.

Y/n looked up to see Pinkie setting up decoriations.


Pinkie turns towards the group.

Pinkie: Hey Y/n! Hey Miles!

Miles: Hello.

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