Fall Formal Zone Final Act: Sunset's Past and Twilight Returns Home

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Almost every single student had returned to the gym for the Fall Formal... except for Y/n, Uta, and Sunset Shimmer who were at the front entrance, sitting down on the stairs.

Sunset: So what did you two want to talk about?

Y/n: I can't shake the fact that the darkness chose you for a reason, so forgive me for asking this, but did you have any bad experiences back in Equestria? Maybe a bad childhood-

Sunset: That's exactly it, My life in Equestria was never best... I assume you heard from Twilight about Equestria and that I'm from it?

Uta: Do you want to talk about it?

Sunset: You two want to listen to me.

Y/n: Yes, we are willing to listen to your story so tell us everything Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset: Very well then. In Equestria, I am a unicorn who was born into nobility which you think would be a good thing but for me it wasn't. My parents...were neglectful.

Y/n/Uta: WHAT?!

Sunset: My parents never cared for me unless I did something that was really impressive. As I grew up, I discovered I was naturally talented with magic and it was so impressive that I became a student of Princess Celestia long before Twilight ever was. When my parents learned I was Princess Celestia's student, they were proud of me and I thought things would get better but I soon learned they used my status as Princess Celestia's student to make themselves look better amongst the other nobles.

Uta: Tsch.... Reminds me of those damn World Nobles.

Sunset: World Nobles?

Y/n: A story for another time Sunset, so you were used by your parents?

Sunset: Unfortunately yes and to make matters worse, the other noble kids were jealous of me being Princess Celestia's student so they never wanted anything to do with me. I had no friends and my parents never truly cared for me.

Y/n: Oh Sunset.

Uta: You poor thing.

Sunset: Apparently my parent and their stuck-up attitudes wore off on me and I stuck to become stuck-up myself that I felt I didn't need friends at all but I still felt something missing and that was friends. Then one day during my lessons with Princess Celestia, I looked into the Crystal Mirror that also acts a portal here to the Human world and in it, I saw myself as an alicorn.

Y/n: An Alicorn?

Uta: What's that?

Sunset: There are for different types of ponies in Equestria. Earth Ponies have a special connection to nature in general. Pegasus Ponies that have wings, that allow flight, ability to walk on clouds, and weather control. Then there are Unicorn Ponies with horns on their foreheads that grants them magical abilities. Finally, we have Alicorn ponies, it's basically all three of them rolled into one package. Princess Celestia herself is an alicorn, they are incredibly rare in Equestria, when someone does be an Alicorn, because of the rarity of it, Princess Celestia offers them to become a member of the royal family.

Y/n: That sounds like an amazing offer.

Uta: An offer to become a prince or princess, it's incredible.

Sunset: It was...at the time. After I saw myself in the Crystal Mirror as an alicorn, I was excited because I thought I would be an alicorn soon and join the royal family which would make my parents proud and they would finally recognize me so I told my parents about what I saw in the Crystal Mirror and they were excited but now that I look back on it, my parents probably wanted to become an alicorn so that once I become princess, they would be a part of the royal family and they could get whatever they want but I didn't know it at the time. So I confronted Princess Celestia and asked her to turn me into alicorn.

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