Interlude Zone Act 2: Saturday

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(Sorry about the long as heck delay folks, I got sidetracked by FFXIV and my other stories. But we are back baby!)

It was now Saturday, Y/n and Miles were waiting at the Canterlot Mall Food Court.

Y/n: So let me get this straight, Scootaloo told you she wanted to hang out with ya at the mall because she wanted to get the new Daring Do book?

Miles: I know right? I had no idea she even read the series.

Y/n: Sounds a bit fishy to me.

Miles: I really wouldn't worry about it big bro, she's cool.

Y/n: Alright if you say so.

???: There they are!

The two brothers turn to see Rainbow and Scootaloo walking towards them, both of them eating rainbow colored shaved ice.

The two brothers turn to see Rainbow and Scootaloo walking towards them, both of them eating rainbow colored shaved ice

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Y/n: Sup Dash.

Rainbow: Sup Y/n, you ready to meet with A.K. Yearling?

Y/n: Sure am.

Scootaloo: Hey Miles.

Miles: Hey Scoots, so you actually read Daring Do?

She rubs the back of her neck in embarassement.

Scootaloo: Yeah, it's one of my guilty pleasures, you must think it's lame.

Miles: Hey if I thought it was lame, I wouldn't be here now would I? I came here cause I wanted to hang out with you.

Rainbow Dash then whispers into Y/n's ear.

Rainbow: When did he become so smooth?

Y/n: I have no idea....

The two then noticed Miles and Scootaloo walking away.

Y/n: Ah crud, they are getting ahead of us.

Rainbow: We can't let em beat us.

Y/n and Rainbow Dash then walked through the mall after they caught up with the two younger ones, they were all heading towards the book store.

Rainbow: Oh you've got to be kidding me.

Scootaloo: This is just great...

Only to see a ton of people forming a long line into the bookstore.

Miles/Y/n: Ah crapbaskets...

Miles: Really should have seen thing coming to be honest.

Y/n: I guess we arn't the only ones here to meet A.K. Yearling.

Rainbow: This is just great. We should have gotten here sooner.

Scootaloo: Then we couldn't have gotten that amazing shaved ice.

Rainbow: Good point, The Sacrifices we make for cold treats!

Y/n: No use complaining you two. Let's get in line and we might be able to meet A.K. Yearling and get ourselves signed copies of her new book.

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