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"(Y/n) honey! That's the same boy from yesterday right?" His mother asked. (Y/n) nodded.

They both fixed up the house before (Y/n) cleaned his room. His room wasn't a mess, especially since they barely moved. He only had to sweep and wipe things down.

After they both finished cleaning, it was already 5. It wasn't a few minutes later until they finally heard a knock on the door. (Y/n)'s mother answered with a smile, "Hello! Welcome!" She made way as the Myers family came in.

There was Michael's mother, which (Y/n) had previously met. She seemed nice enough. Then there was a baby she was holding. After that walked in Michael's older sister. She eyed (Y/n)'s mom up and down, giving a few judge-mental glances before going back on her phone. After that walked in Michael.

"I'm sorry. My partner couldn't make it. He was really busy," Mrs. Myers apologized. "Yeah- busy watching TV," the older sister huffed. "Judith.." Mrs. Myers gave her a look before turning to (Y/n)'s mom. "How about we head to the kitchen?" She smiled. As the Myers family gathered, Mrs. Myers turned to Michael and (Y/n). "How about you two go study while we fix dinner?" Both boys nodded, with Michael going to carry his baby sister. "Oh, your daughter can watch TV if she wants! The remote is on the coffee table hun".

"Want to go to my room?" (Y/n) shyly asked. Michael nodded.

As they walked in, Michael set his baby sister on (Y/n)'s bed. "Awww, she's so cute. What's her name?" (Y/n) asked. "Call her boo". "Boo? Wow that's so cute!" Michael slightly smiled, before looking around. He noticed the room was neat. He noticed (Y/n)'s bookshelf was organized, and seemed to have been untouched since (y/n) was probably still unpacking. "Do you want to copy my notes now?"

Michael nodded and took out his notebook from the bookbag that was around his shoulders. (Y/n) nodded before taking out his notebook and handing it to Michael. "You can sit over by my desk if you want. I'll watch Boo!" He added. Michael nodded again.

After an hour of note taking and playing with Boo, the boys were called downstairs to finally eat dinner. (Y/n) sat next to Michael, while is sister sat at the end of the table. Mrs. Myers sat opposite to Michael, carrying Boo on her lap while (Y/n)'s mom sat next to her... leaving one chair empty. Both mothers served their kids first, sliding a white glass plate with spaghetti and a side of bread to go with it. (Y/n) licked his lips and sniffed the air smelling the amazing scent of warm spaghetti. Once everyone had their plates served, Mrs Myers started a prayer. As everyone had their eyes closed, except for Judith, she left to "wash her hands" in the bathroom (as an excuse to not pray), Michael peeked over at (Y/n) and noticed the way his facial features held a soft expression. (Y/n) reminded Michael of a bunny or a puppy but quickly dismissed that idea because he would usually go after those animals to hurt.

Once the prayer was over, everyone ate their dish and got to know each other a little better. Michael and (Y/n) finished pretty quickly and was dismissed to do whatever.

Both boys decided to walk around the neighborhood. Their mothers let them as long as they got back by seven.

The boys stepped onto the concrete floor and walked passed houses that meant nothing to them. (Y/n) accidentally brushed hands with Michael's, only to nervously stuff his hands into his pockets out of embarrassment. Michael didn't mind. He didn't think it was weird for two boys to hold hands. His moms boyfriend would say homosexuality is a sin. If you're gay, you're a freak and you'll go to hell. But why was it okay for a girl and boy to hold hands? Why couldn't Michael hold hands with another boy?

He rolled his eyes as his mind poured with questions but was quickly snapped out of it once (Y/n) caught his attention. "Michael?" He waved his hand in front of the slightly taller boy. "Stop zoning out!" He laughed. Michael stared. "What should we do?"

Michael noticed they were at a park that was nearby a forest. The park had a few old swings and a slide that was a little dirty. The cement turned into gravel as they walked closer to the old park. The trees made the air fresher. (Y/n) took a deep breath before staring into the forest. He wasn't afraid, but more so because the sun was slowly going down. "Do you think we should be playing here?" He asked Michael, who was already sitting on one of the swings. "We're gonna be okay," he shrugged. (Y/n) nodded and sat on the swing to his left. They both faced the forest.

It didn't take long enough for Michael to want to go in. "Come on! Nothing bad is gonna happen," he said. (Y/n) shook his head, "no! Wesley went missing near here!" Michael rolled his eyes and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand, dragging him into the forest. "We'll stay close by".

(Y/n) shouted protests but Michael ignored them. After a few minutes, (Y/n) came to the conclusion that Michael wasn't going to listen and decided to just follow closely behind. "Look at this frog!" Michael pointed. "Ew!" (Y/n) cringed and backed away. Michael watched it hop a few feet away before he started chasing after it. "Wait!" (Y/n) shouted and ran closer to him. He was stopped by the sound of bushes moving behind him. Michael turned to face (Y/n) and noticed it too. (Y/n) slowly backed away closer to Michael and away from the bush. He hid behind him and peeked his head out.

The silence was loud until a small bunny came out the bushes. "Awww!" (Y/n) said and ran towards it. The bunny didn't attempt to run away and just stayed still into (Y/n)'s hands once he picked it up. "Look how cute it is!" He handed it to Michael. Michael blankly stared at it. (Y/n) noticed the sky had darken. "We should head back..." Michael nodded with the bunny still in his hands. "I'll go in a minute. I have to take a piss".

(Y/n) nodded and walked back towards the playground. They didn't walk to far, so Michael walking on his own should be fine. He hummed to himself before skipping to the swings. He faced the forest and waiting for Michael. He kicked his feet around and hummed louder until five minutes later he saw Michael in his view. He noticed the bunny was no longer in his arms. But a few red spots stained his shirt. "What happened to mr. Bunny?" (Y/n) innocently asked. He titled his head to the side and stared at Michael. Michael glared back, but not in a dirty way. He ignored (Y/n)'s question and said "let's go back".

RZ Michael Myers x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now