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The orange, reds, and yellows, complimented the trees leaves, as wind rushed through the streets of Haddonfield. It wasn't cold, but the breeze made the leaves threaten to fall.

It was now 6 in the afternoon and Deborah had managed to sort the house. Michael was patiently waiting for Judith to take him out. Deborah fixed Michael's blonde locks before smiling, "your costume looks amazing sweetie". Michael softly smiled back as his mother fixed the clown mask. It was placed on the side of Michael's head. "Do you have your basket ready?" She asked. Michael nodded and held a jack o lantern basket. She smiled, "I want you back by 10, okay?" Michael only nodded. Deborah smiled before planting a kiss on his forehead. "Judith! Take Michael out now! I gotta go to work!" She announced. Judith only complained as Deborah stepped out the house. Judith's boyfriend, Steven, shot Judith a look. "Are you gonna take him out? Or are you staying with me?"

Judith rolled her eyes, "obviously I'm staying with you". Steven smirked before wrapping his arms around her waist suggestively. "What about taking me out?" Michael asked. Judith only shot him a dirty look before rolling her eyes again, "take yourself out. I'm going upstairs," she said before she started leaving, with her boyfriend following right behind her. "Sorry little bro," was all he said to Michael.

Michael only ignored them before walking up to Boo. He planted a kiss on her forehead before saying, "I'll be home soon". And with that, he left the house.


(Y/n) added a few accessories to go with his costume. He somehow convinced his mom to let him walk to Michael's house alone.

Kids were already knocking on doors and some already had their jack o lantern baskets filled. (Y/n) noticed this and started sprinting to Michael's house. He saw the blonde boy sitting down on the front steps. He held his bag and looked down at his shoes. (Y/n) rose a brow before going up to him. "Where's your sister?" He asked. Michael only replied with "she isn't coming with us". Sourly, he grabbed (Y/n)'s hand and dragged him to a nearby house.

(Y/n) read the room and decided to just stop talking about her.

"Trick or treat!" Both boys knocked on the door. With an eager look on their faces, they watched as candy slowly filled their bags.


It was around 9:45 when Michael and (Y/n) walked back home. Michael was walking (Y/n) to his house when suddenly both boys heard a group of teenagers approaching them.

"Hey!" One of them shouted. It was a 15 year old kid with brown hair and braces that suddenly decided to spit on Michael's shoe. "Gimme that basket" he said. The other teens laughed as the yanked the basket out of Michael's hand. "GIVE THAT BACK!" Michael threatened before slamming himself into the teen. Both of them fell onto the floor and started to throw punches. "Michael!" (Y/n) shouted before attempting to push the teen off of him.

The struggle lasted for a few minutes until the teen got himself back up and started running away, along with his friend group. Michael was about to start chasing after them but (Y/n) held him back. "It's just candy," he said. "You can have some of mine".

The rest of the walk was silent. Those teens had put Michael into a sour mood. As they approached (Y/n)'s house, (Y/n) sat down on his front steps before dumping out the candy onto the concrete steps. Michael watched as (Y/n) picked about ten piece of candy before putting them back into the jack o lantern. "Here. Take it," he said. Michael hesitated before (Y/n) grabbed Michael's hand and forcefully made him hold the basket. "You can have the rest. I'm not really into sweets anyways," he chuckled. Michael was in disbelief.

Those teenagers just pushed them around like nothing and now (Y/n) is making the situation light hearted. How was this possible? How is he able to turn a negative situation into a positive one? Either way, Michael didn't want to think about it for too long. "Thanks," he said with a small smile.

Suddenly, the door behind them opened. "Glad you boys came back home safely! Michael, do you want me and (Y/n) to walk you home?" Mrs. (l/n) said. Michael declined, "I'll be safe".

"Alright! But don't talk to any strangers and walk straight home, okay? ....Hey?" (Y/n)'s mom started looking around. "Wasn't your sister supposed to be with you guys? Where is she?"

Before Michael could say anything, (Y/n) spoke up. "She was with us but she said to walk home meanwhile she got us some snacks at the corner store. Don't worry mom! We were only alone for a block! She isn't too far behind". He had lied. Michael only looked at (Y/n) before nodding. He went along with the lie, "she told me to go straight home".

"Oh alright! Be safe Michael and thanks for taking care of my son. Happy Halloween!" She said before (Y/n) and her waved him off.

Michael kicked a pebble while he started walking back home. There was less kids out, and only around 3 teenagers were asking for candy. All the lights around the neighborhood houses were dark, meaning mostly everyone had gone asleep. "Goodnight Haddonfield," he whispered to himself before walking up his house. He opened the door and immediately went to see Boo. He smiled lightly as he saw she was safe. He planted a kiss on her forehead, before eating a few pieces of candy. Then he looked over at a drawer full of knives.

RZ Michael Myers x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now