10: Dom - Expectations aside

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*WARNING: This chapter contains an intimate scene that may be a bit mature for some readers. Please skip past if you don't want to read the details*

Dom walked into the entrance of the squash courts complex, half expecting to find himself alone in there.

'I'm back here!' Em's high-pitched voice called out to him.

His heart quickened. Looks like she's up for it!

Dom was surprised. He thought he'd been too forceful and had convinced himself she'd back out. He hoped she wasn't lying about not being a virgin. Either way, she was kind of cute. She wasn't Pascal. But then again, no girl at Watford could hold a candle to his ex. He might as well have a bit of fun. He'd moped long enough.

Dom walked towards the change room at the back of the courts. Em met him halfway. The yellow walls seemed to close in on him, he'd never noticed the paint chips before.

'Hey?' he smiled at Em. 'Did anyone see you come down here?'

'Nah,' she responded, leaning invitingly in the doorway.


'No, I think we're all good.'

Em dropped her eyes as if uncertain where this would go next.

'Come here,' Dom said, taking her hand and pulling her towards him. Em took a deep breath. When she was up close to him, he asked. 'You up for this?'

She nodded, awkward in the daylight. The sun cast shafts of light across them in little strips, cutting her into pieces. He took her face in his hands and kissed her. It felt strange. It was so long since he'd kissed anyone but Pascal.

For the first kiss between two people, it kind of worked. She seemed clenched at first, but then she relaxed into it, and the kiss became long and deep. Though it stirred something inside him, Dom didn't feel romantic; he wanted to get straight to it. He was smart enough about girls to know something more was expected of him. He held her close for a while, stroking her hair, nuzzling her neck.

Soon, she took him by the hand into the adjacent room. The harsh sunlight gave way to a softer daylight, still his eyes flickered rapidly, adjusting to the changed light conditions. He noticed her glance over at the bench. It was the obvious place for them to be intimate. There were soft cushions across it, almost like a bed. He'd been in this room before with Pascal, more often than he cared to think about right now.

Before Em could walk over to the bench, Dom stopped her. 'Stand over there...,' he pointed towards a small table in the corner.

She looked at him, confused.

'Go on,' he said firmly.

As she reluctantly moved towards the table, Dom sat down on the bench. She turned to face him.

'Unbutton your shirt.'

'Dom, what is this?' she asked.

'Trust me,' he said, not unkindly. 'Just do as I say.'

She started to unbutton her shirt uncertainly. Dom could see a glint of lace through the gaping fabric. His cock swelled.

'Good girl,' he encouraged.

To put her at ease, he unbuttoned his own shirt and whipped it off his shoulders in one swift stroke, without taking his eyes off her.

'Now take it off,' he said in a low voice.

Em leaned her bottom against the desk. Her hands slipped on the buttons as she attempted to open them.

Soon she was standing half-naked, her eyes gazing down at her naval. Her bra was bright white against her summer tan. Dom noticed first the light freckles on her chest and then her breasts, small and perky, with no cleavage whatsoever. He couldn't deny, though, she looked good stripped down. Her stomach was brown and toned, and a diamond belly ring sparkled enticingly, drawing his attention to the taught muscles on her midriff. He remembered vaguely a conversation they'd had when she'd said she was a dancer; of course, she'd have a good body. Finally, she lifted her head, and they locked eyes. A silent stare-off followed; then Dom broke the tension with a smile.

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