23: Izzy - Maltezers and fireworks

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To Izzy's relief, the boys arrived at her house at five-thirty in the morning in Dom's twin cab as planned. They wanted to get to the farm with plenty of time to muck around. Cole leaped out of the front seat to help the girls with their bags while Izzy introduced Attila. The little dog was beside himself with excitement that he was going on a trip.

'Are you even sober?' said Tal to Dom, who was in the driver's seat.

'On the water all night,' Dom smiled conspiratorially at her through the rear-view mirror.

'Sure,' Tal grinned as she climbed into the back. Izzy made her way around the side of the Ute to sit next to Tal but Cole beat her to it.

'Sit up front, Iz?' he asked with puppy dog eyes.

Izzy glanced at Tal. Her friend shrugged, seemingly amused at Cole's enthusiasm to sit next to her. Izzy wasn't so keen. She wanted to sit with Attila, who would be harnessed on the back seat. Attila was a good traveler, but he took a bit of time to settle down, and Izzy was worried he'd misbehave if she wasn't there to keep him calm.

Cole wasn't concerned at all, though, so Izzy let him sit in the back. He pulled himself in next to Tal. Then, to Izzy's amazement, Atilla leaped onto Cole's lap and scrabbled over his legs to his booster seat on the back seat between Cole and Tal, eyes smiling, mouth open.

'Guess that's sorted,' said Izzy amused. 'Can you strap him in, please?'

'Dogs love me,' said Cole, stroking Attila on the back of his neck and clicking his harness into place.

'What happened to you last night?' Izzy said grumpily to Dom as she pulled herself into the front seat. 'Em's gone for a short holiday and, you're already cracking onto some other girl?' She was annoyed at him for ditching them.

From the back seat, Cole laughed at Izzy's tone. 'Chill Iz,' he said. 'We's is on holiday.'

Ignoring Cole, Izzy asked Dom: 'Did you go home with her?'

He paused before responding as if undecided how much he should say.

'You don't need to know,' he said. 'That way, even if I did, you won't need to lie.'

Izzy growled at him. 'You assume I'd lie for you?'

'Well, you're not a snitch, are you?' Dom said laughing.

Izzy rolled her eyes and said: 'This is going to be fun.'

Dom leaned across her and opened the glove box from which he pulled out a postcard. He handed it to Izzy.

'Cheer up. It's from Em.'

The card had a bunch of too-good-looking J-Pop boys on it dressed in tuxedos.

Izzy flipped it over. It said:

Tokyo's on roids. So awesome! Folks are annoying af.

Miss you (and your beautiful body)!


PS Stay close to my girls. Don't forget the rules ...

'Nice to see you're taking her advice,' Izzy said beneath her breath, returning the card to the glovebox with an obvious slamming motion.

'I guess we move on?' Dom said, grinning.

Izzy turned and cast her eyes out the window at the silver dawn breaking across Sydney. The streets were beginning to come alive as the car made its way out of the city. Somewhere around Chatswood, a young man cycled past on a racing bike a little too close. Attila, with teeth bared, struck out at the cyclist, snarling and barking, causing Cole to jump in his seat.

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