15: Izzy - At the polo

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Some weeks later, Izzy sat on the half wall of the front veranda of the Windsor clubhouse, waiting for Em to return from the ladies' bathroom. Shafts of sunlight spilled through the low clouds. She'd been invited by Dom and Em for the weekend to watch Dom play polo, but something was making her feel especially despondent today, she couldn't put a finger on what it was exactly. The Polo International was always fun, but she felt like a third wheel when Dom was around. Though he always paid her attention, Em had made it clear to Izzy where she stood with Dom on more than one occasion and his teasing had started to become a real issue between them.

Izzy recalled enjoying spending time at the Polo with Mia and her Mum before they'd moved away. She hadn't been back to Windsor in years, but the place was as familiar as the back of her hand. She'd spent many afternoons dissecting the play at club chukkas with Mia while their Mum hung out at the clubhouse.

Izzy remembered a time her Mum had taken a wrong turn on the way home on a dark country road and accidently drove their car into a ditch. Of course, it had to be one of the coldest nights on record in Windsor! An involuntary shiver ran up her spine as she recalled how the three of them had kept warm by wrapping themselves in pages of the Daily Telegraph.

At the sound of a horn blowing in the distance, Izzy looked up from her daydream, only to see Dom walking towards her. With his caramel-tan offset by a purple Polo jersey, dirt-stained breeches, and boots, he looked like he could conquer the world. Looks could be deceiving, though-Dom's team, the Country Colts, had lost the opening match.

According to Em, Dom hadn't been playing the best lately and was upset at his team's loss. From where Izzy was standing, he looked to be in pretty good form-to be a one-goal handicap at his age was no small feat. It was true, the polo ground had been a bit bumpy, and they'd had some unlucky calls, but the match had been close.

'Hey, what d'you think?' Dom asked as he approached, squinting up at Izzy. 'Good to be back on your old stomping ground?'

She'd forgotten she told Dom that she grew up in Windsor. 'Been a long time,' she said meeting his eyes. 'But yes, it's good to be back.'

As if on cue, Em returned from the bathroom looking refreshed.

'Do you ladies want a drink?' Dom offered. 'I'm getting some cokes for the boys.'

'We'll have a pimms, don't you think Iz?' said Em with a giggle. 'Isn't that what polo wags drink?'

'Actually, we're more of a beer around the bonfire crowd,' Dom said.

Em's expression shifted almost imperceptibly.

'Pimms sounds good to me,' said Izzy, a little too quickly.

'I'll come with you,' Em said, taking Dom by the hand and pulling him towards the bar. 'Back soon, Iz,' she said over her shoulder.

Alone again, Izzy thought, how out-of-place Em seemed here. Her dress was straight out of the Alannah Hill summer collection, more suited to the races than a polo match.

Em was a city girl; her parents both worked in the theatre, and she'd grown up hanging out behind stage, practicing her make-up skills on bored actors with nothing to do in-between sets. It was doubtful she'd spent much time in regional New South Wales. No wonder she'd needed Izzy this weekend.

Izzy's uneasy feeling didn't abate after Dom and Em left her. She'd been excited to come out here again. There were people she hadn't seen in years, old friends, many of whom had a hand in raising her, but she didn't feel much like being there for some reason.

No sooner had Izzy thought this and Jane Reid, her old riding instructor, passed by on her way to the ladies. Jane didn't seem to notice her, but Izzy called her name anyway. She could never ignore an old friend.

'Isabella, is that you? My goodness, you've grown!' said Jane. 'It's so good to see you! How are you, darling?'

Izzy stood up to greet her, and Jane leaned forward, giving her shoulders a big country-style squeeze. 'I've been meaning to call your Mum. How's she doing?'

Izzy fought to hold back the tears welling in her eyes. It was confronting to see a friend of her mum's.

'Not so good,' Izzy said. 'She's struggling. I'm sure she'd love to hear from you.'

Izzy didn't want to talk about her mum's cancer. It wasn't something she felt comfortable with, but people in the Windsor community loved Dana so much, of course, they would want to know how she was going.

Jane seemed to sense Izzy's unease. She promised to call her mum and then deftly changed the topic to reminisce on happier times. She reminded Izzy of the gymkhana she'd facilitated years ago, when Izzy had fallen off her pony into a barrel of floating apples. Before long, they were laughing so hard, Jane had forgotten to pee.

Izzy hadn't noticed how long Dom and Em had been gone for until they returned, without the drinks they'd supposedly gone for. With a brief smile, Jane made her apologies and left. Izzy's fleeting good mood failed her again when she noticed the guilty chuckling and realised what Dom and Em had been up to. Spending time with the two of them was getting on her nerves.

'All the world's a shag fest, huh?' she said, glaring at Em after Jane left for the bathroom.

'C'mon Iz, don't be mad at Em,' said Dom. 'It was my fault. I needed to blow off post-match blues.'

'Good!' Izzy said. 'Since it was your fault, you can bugger off and get us the drinks you promised.'

Dom paused like he wasn't sure if Izzy was serious.

'Okay, not joking,' he said, holding his hands up in surrender as Izzy stared him down.

Izzy started to walk down the steps away from the clubhouse and out to the Polo fields, leaving the two of them standing on the veranda. Glancing back, she said, 'We'll be watching the match from the far side under the tree canopy. You can find us there when you've got our drinks.'

Dom laughed. 'She's bossy when she's mad,' he quipped at Em.

Em was too wise to laugh back. Instead, she followed Izzy down the stairs, taking her hand and tugging at it.

'C'mon grumpy bum,' she said, 'this place is crawling with hot boys. Let's hook you up!'

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