43: Izzy - That phone call

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Izzy had been looking forward to the long weekend. It was Tal's eighteenth birthday, and she was having a house party to celebrate. She had already bought Tal's present, a silver infinity charm for her pandora, which she'd wrapped and was storing under her bed at home.

Aside from looking forward to the party, Izzy also couldn't wait to see her Mum. Being in school was difficult since the fallout with Em and Dom, and she found that her head was always at home worrying about her Mum's cancer, which was proving harder to get rid of than the doctors had initially anticipated.

Izzy was in her study on Thursday evening before dinner when a younger girl knocked on the door and told her she had a phone call in the staff room. Izzy ran down from her boarding house with her heart in her throat. Inwardly, she cursed the mobile phone ban they'd all received this week. It would have been nice to be in touch with home more at this time. Izzy knocked on the door of the staff room and Ms Woodhouse ushered her in, stepping outside to give her some privacy. It was her grandmother on the line. Nan was always positive, no matter what but Izzy was instantly alert. It wasn't usual for her gran to call her at school.

'Darling! How are you? How're things?'

'Everything's okay.' Izzy said abruptly. 'What's going on gran? Is mum there? Can I talk to her?' She was anxious to hear her mum's voice.

'Not now, poppit,' Nan said. 'I'm afraid your mum is in hospital. Her oncologist wanted to monitor things after her chemo.'

Izzy felt suddenly weak at the knees, and she glanced around for a seat to perch on. This call was what she'd been dreading. Realising there was no seat within reach, Izzy steadied herself, by leaning her back against the wall, one foot propping her up.

'When did she go in?' she asked her gran, struggling to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

'Yesterday evening, darling,' Nan responded. 'I'm so sorry. I know you were looking forward to this weekend, but your mum is doing okay. I don't want you to worry now.'

'Is there any news from the hospital?' Izzy asked carefully. She was never sure what to expect with her mum's illness. It seemed to be so readily changeable.

'No, darling. I'm just calling to tell you that your dad and Mia will pick you up early from school tomorrow, so you can make it in time for visiting hours, alright, sweetheart? I've cleared it with the school.'

'Okay,' Izzy said. This didn't sound right at all. Her Mum was always so keen for her to stay in school unless necessary. She was apprehensive but didn't want to make a fuss.

'Remember to sign out at the staff room before you leave school, darling?' said Nan on the other end of the line. 'And be out the front by the foyer at eleven thirty, your dad will be there.'

Izzy started to cry.

'Oh, sweetheart. It's going to be okay. Chin up, hey? Mustn't worry,' her Gran said. 'We'll see you tomorrow.'

'Okay, Gran, thanks for calling.' Izzy said, wiping her cheeks beneath her eyes.

'You okay, love?'

'Yeah, I'm good.' Izzy said, taking a deep breath.

'Look forward to seeing you, my darling - Bye...ye!'

Izzy hung up the phone, she was limp with disappointment. She took a moment to gather herself before leaving.

Tal and Zara were outside the door of the staff room speaking with Ms Woodhouse when she opened the door. They had come down to the dining hall for dinner and wanted to wait for her. As soon as Izzy looked up at them both, they gathered around her to shoulder her grief. Ms Woodhouse laid a hand on Izzy's shoulders as she passed through the door and gave it a brief squeeze, before leaving her in the care of her friends.

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