12: Dom - Closure

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Back at the dorms, Dom collapsed on his back onto his bed, clutching his phone against his chest. The initial euphoria of his time with Em had worn off, and he was feeling something he couldn't put his finger on, but it reeked of guilt. Though he wasn't technically still with Pascal, it now felt as though he had cheated on her with Em.

Dom's roommate Tommo followed him into the dorm from the study and was pestering him for details of what he'd been up to with Em. It wasn't a secret. Dom just didn't want to talk about it.

'So did you or didn't you?' Tommo pestered.

Dom ignored him.

'Unless you deny it, I'll take it as a yes,' Tommo said.

Dom stared him down but didn't respond.

'You don't waste much time, do you?

'Mind your own business!'

Tommo laughed. 'This is my business Sac. Stuff like this holds currency in this place. You know that. Don't be a dag, eh? Give us some juice?'

Dom had lost his sense of humour. He didn't want Pascal to hear about this thing with Em before he'd spoken with her. 'Don't you be a dumb cunt!' he said, turning on his side away from Tommo. 'Grow up and leave me alone.'

Tommo backed out of the doorway with his hands up.

Alone with his thoughts, Dom contemplated calling Pascal. It was the right thing to do; he was sure of it. Even though he had agreed with his Mum that she didn't need any drama from him, it didn't feel good how they ended things. Primarily because, in truth, they hadn't ended anything. There was no closure between them.

Dom lifted his phone above his head and texted.

Dom: Got a minute, Cal?

An instant response.

Pascal: Always.

Dom took a deep breath and dialled. It was time to say goodbye.

Understandably Pascal was upset. She was crying on the other end of the line, and her tears broke Dom's heart. He knew this would be the last time he spoke with her, and he wanted to make sure she was ok. There wasn't much he could do, though. He felt as wretched as she did. At least they had that in common.

After he put the phone down, Dom was exhausted. He fell into a deep sleep right up to dinner when Tommo came in to wake him.

'Sorry about before, mate,' Dom said, swivelling out of bed and pulling his shoes on. 'I felt guilty about Cal, and took it out on you.' He stood up and they left the dorm together.

'Nah, you're all good mate,' Tommo laughed, grabbing Dom round the neck in a half hug and white knuckling him on the head. 'Got too many chicks on the go, eh?' he said. 'Doing your head in?'

Dom chuckled. 'Better than none,' he teased.

Tommo ignored the jibe. He took a run up and jumped the three concrete stairs on the way to the dining hall. 'You still haven't spilled about Em,' he said on landing. 'Give me the deets? Did you do the baby dance?'

'Bad choice of words,' Dom said.

'Sorry mate-did you...' Tommo paused as if searching for the right word. 'Engage in ...coitus?'

'What the fuck is that?'

'You know what I mean. Did you root her?'

'You're bad' Dom grinned. 'You like need a whole new vocabulary.'

'And you're totally evasive!'

'Sorry, dude, I don't fuck and tell.'

'That's so wrong,' Tommo said. 'If I can't live vicariously through my friends, tell me, what's a guy to do around here?'

'I don't know. Make your own fun,' Dom responded. 'The world's your aubergine.'

Tommo shook his head, laughing. 'You do know she's high maintenance, don't you mate?' he said. 'Em, I mean. She acts all cool and shit, but I've got a radar for this stuff. You're in trouble with that one.'

'Oh yeah. What do you know, mate?'

'I know stuff.'

'When you have some actual experience with girls under your belt, -scuse the pun;' Dom said. 'Let me know. I might take your advice.'

They arrived at the cafeteria and joined the queue of students waiting to collect their dinner,

'I'm working on it, mate, trust me.'

'You sure? Masturwaiting while your porn downloads doesn't count.' Dom said, reaching for a tray.

Tommo grinned. 'You worry about yourself, hey?...and don't say I didn't warn you about Em.'

'Consider me warned.' Dom said laughing.

'I'm serious, dude; I'll pray for you, but no guarantees.'

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