36: Dom - Em's back

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The next day on the way to the polo, Em interrupted Dom's thoughts. 'You seem different,' she said, looking sideways at him as he drove them to the clubhouse. 'You okay?'

'Just a little nervous,' he said. 'It's a big match.'

'You'll be great! Don't worry about it, baby. You got this!'

Em seemed so cheerful since she'd arrived back home. For someone who claimed to have hated Japan, she now seemed to have nothing but good things to say about it. It was as though the whole place and everything in it was cooler than anything Australia had to offer. They hadn't spent more than an hour together and already, everything she said and did, was getting under his skin.

He was being unfair. She'd bought him all these expensive gifts and some bloopers, including an actual blow-up doll for laughs. In truth, he was conflicted. He'd not expected anything to happen with Izzy, and now Em was back, he felt trapped. He didn't know if he should say anything to her about what had happened between him and Izzy the night before. On the one hand, it was too soon to break up with her. It would be cruel, like he'd led her on or something. They'd spoken almost every day while she was away. This development with Izzy had happened so out of the blue, he hadn't planned it, he'd just acted on instinct.

In moments of reflection, when he was honest with himself, he'd felt something for Izzy for a while now, long before the holidays. He hadn't allowed himself to think much into it, mostly because he didn't know she reciprocated his feelings. Not until last night.

Izzy was so different from Em. She was guarded and unpredictable, nothing like as flirty and extroverted as Em was. At first, he'd found it difficult to get to know her or to read her but somehow, things had changed over the break, and they had gotten close.

Dom felt drawn to Izzy in a way that he hadn't felt since Pascal. And it wasn't just that she was beautiful, although she was seriously stunning. It was more than that, she understood him. He could talk to her about things that were bothering him in a way that he couldn't with Em. She was also, much more like him, in essence. He loved how she was with Attila. When she said she preferred animals to people, he really could relate to that. He'd felt that way himself, often. She seemed so much more natural than Em and though she was shy, she was also somehow, more self-assured. He liked how she appreciated nature. He smiled to himself as he recalled the way she moved when she rode Hassesina. It was effortless and elegant. He also loved the way her eyes lit up when he'd pointed out the sound of the cicadas at the house in Uki. These were things that moved Dom. Something he had not previously acknowledged about himself but that she brought out in him, like a hidden poetry.

Dom knew he would have to speak to Em today, but now wasn't the time. She would skitz out, and he had a match to play. He put the conversation off to pick it up later.

When they arrived at the Polo grounds, everyone was there but Izzy. He scanned the crowds to see if he'd missed her. His logical mind knew it was best that she didn't come but still he hoped she'd changed her mind. He was desperate to see her again.

Zara was back from her holiday in Perth and her and Tal were excited to see Em. The girls hugged and exchanged stories, while Dom waited patiently. He was anxious to get going, so he could warm up before the match but he knew he had to give Em time to see her friends.

'Hey, where's Iz?' Em asked Tal. Dom glanced at Tal. She ignored him and responded directly to Em: 'She messaged to say she's sorry, she can't make it today.' Tal said. 'She said to hug you and that she'll see you at school.'

'Is everything alright with her Mum?' Em asked.

'Yeah, it's nothing like that. It's just we were out clubbing last night. I think she felt like she should spend some time with the family before going back to school.'

'Is she coming out tonight?' Em asked.

'She said she'd try and make it,' Zara said

Dom cheered up. The thought that he might see Izzy again that night thrilled him.

'What's up with Izzy's Mum?' he asked Em.

Em seemed reluctant to say but Zara explained to Dom about Izzy's mum having cancer.

'It's pretty bad,' she said. 'Dana's been fighting a long time. It doesn't look good, though Izzy says there's still hope.'

Dom tried not to register his shock. He'd been pouring out his ridiculous issues to Izzy all summer, and she hadn't said a thing about her mum being sick.

'I'm so sorry to hear that,' he said. 'I didn't know.'

Zara looked him dead in the eye. 'Now you know,' she said in a dulcet tone. Dom immediately got her meaning. Tal must have seen him and Izzy leaving the club together last night and told Zara. They both looked genuinely upset with him. He wondered if either of them would say anything to Em.

Em fortunately seemed oblivious to any tension. She moved a strand of hair from across her face, tucked it behind her ear and reached for Dom's hand. 'C'mon, babe, let's get you ready for this the match.' Grateful for the distraction, Dom let himself be dragged by Em towards the clubhouse change rooms. Both Tal and Zara looked to be on the brink of saying something and he really didn't want to have to explain himself to anyone today.

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