Passed the garden by the waterfall (updated)

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"Each room has it's own bathroom so you'll each have privacy and a large balcony which has a fantastic view of Dragon Realm." The head maid told Goku and Kami as she walked them to their guest rooms.
The head maid was a stout woman with brownish purple hair that only went to her shoulders, in her younger years she could have been a model. She wore the same white and blue kimono the other maids did but hers had a gold vest indicating she was in charge of the staff.

" That sounds very nice thank you." Kami thanks her

" You're very welcome." The head maid smiles back at Kami and Goku "If you're Lady Midori-ko's friends then you're friends of ours." She says

" Thank you very much." Kami says

" When you two are ready we're serving second breakfast here soon." The head maid tells them

" Second breakfast?" Goku asks, eating would make him feel better since Midori-ko had to basically ignore him while they were in her home world.

" Well yes of course we dragons have seven meals a day." The head maid turned and stood in front of them, they'd finally made it to their guest rooms but Goku wanted to know about this seven meals

" Tell me this isn't a joke." Goku holds the straps of his backpack

" Son Goku." Kami says

" He's okay." The head maid smiles at Kami "We have breakfast, second breakfast, noonish tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner than lastly night time tea." She explains

" Why wasn't I born here." Goku blurts

" Oh my you are just adorable." The head maid smiles at Goku "I can see why Lady Midori-ko is friends with you, she's such a sweet girl." The head maid says

" Lady Midori-ko has been delightful while she stays." Kami tells the head maid

" I am glad." The head maid smiles "I've looked after Lady Midori-ko as if she's my own. Her and the master of the house haven't been the same since we lost Lady Midori-ko's mother." The head maid looks down

" We were not aware...""Oh pardon me I've said too much." The head maid gasps

" We won't say anything." Goku says, Midori-ko had told him that her mom had passed away some time ago. That Midori-ko wouldn't remember what her mom looked like if it wasn't for pictures of her

" Thank you very much." The head maid smiles "I'll let you get settled come down to the dining room when you're ready." She bows before walking down the hall

" I'm going to refreshen up." Kami points to his guest room

" I'm starving." Goku drops his backpack and heads back down the hall to the stairs

" Oh my dear student if things were different you'd thrive in The Dragon Realm." Kami sighs picking up Goku's backpack


Goku had spent most of his first day in the Dragon Realm in the dining room of Midori-ko's childhood home.
Anyone else would have been astounded by how well designed the dining room was but Goku was too busy having second breakfast, noonish tea, lunch, afternoon tea.
The food at least kept Midori-ko mostly off his mind. He hadn't seen Midori-ko since they'd arrived at her home.
Goku loved her and didn't want to in anyway be an inconvenience to her. Goku knew it was hard since so much was expected of Midori-ko being betrothed to the Dragon Prince and all. If he could change that fact Goku knew in a heartbeat he would, but Midori-ko always got in a funny mood when her arrangement to The Dragon Prince was brought up. So he didn't push.

 So he didn't push

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