Is Son Goku here?

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Another day passed after Goku and Gohan along with Vegeta and Trunks went to the room of spirit and time.

Midori-ko relaxed at Master Roshi's with everyone else, her and Puar had taken over cooking the meals for everyone.
She was in the middle of making spaghetti and chicken meatballs for everyone as Puar got the garlic bread ready when Piccolo stood up from his lounging.

" You feel that?" He turns towards Midori-ko

" I'm kinda busy here." Midori-ko complains

Piccolo ignores her going to the window

"Yo." A young man's voice says from outside "Is Son Goku here?"

" A young man's voice says from outside "Is Son Goku here?"

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Piccolo growls at the visitors before facing everyone.
" Wake up you bums we have visitors." He barks at Krillin, Yamcha and Tien Shinhan
"Midori-ko stay here." Piccolo points walking outside

"Son Goku isn't here." A robotic voice says
" Got it."

" Get lost." Piccolo orders "Goku isn't here."

" Could you do me a solid and tell me where he is." The young man asks.
Midori-ko went to the window to see these visitors.
Two were twins, good looking one blonde girl and one with black haired young man and a large ginger that appeared to be mostly robotic.

" In your dreams." Piccolo scoffs

" Hey." The blonde girl nudges the young man and points at Midori-ko

" Oh hey." He smirks "I heard Son Goku had a pet dragon."

" What's it to you?" Krillin asks

" My name is Son Midori-ko I come from dragon realm and have made earth my home which you are not welcome." Midori-ko snaps walking outside

" For your information lady we are from Earth." The blonde crossed her arms

" Midori-ko don't engage." Piccolo tells her

" My husband is not here." Midori-ko crossed her arms too

" Where is he worm?" The young man asked

" What did you call me?!" Midori-ko was instantly triggered

" What did he just call you?" Yamcha asks

" It's a slur towards dragons." Krillin tells Yamcha "Goku said that he learned that from The Hobbit cause the dragon Smaug gets offended when people call him a worm." Krillin explains

" Wow even Vegeta doesn't go that far." Yamcha smirks

" That's because Vegeta isn't stupid." Midori-ko clenched her teeth

" I guess the worm isn't going to tell us." The young man laughs "We'll just have to make you talk."

" You can try." Midori-ko shouted her kiai knocking everyone but Piccolo and the androids over "Piccolo get them the hell out of here before turn them into scorch marks." Midori-ko snps fire spitting from her mouth

Goku and The Red Dragonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें