Couldn't Dr Briefs make you a spaceship

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"It took me over a month to make your husband a spaceship." Dr. Briefs tells Midori-ko "By the time I make you one everyone will be back three times over."

" Well isn't that just a kick in the gut." Midori-ko rolls her eyes

" I'm surprised you didn't take off with Goku." Dr. Briefs comments "You two are attached at the hip like myself and Mrs. Briefs."

" Yeah right." Midori-ko mumbles

" I'm sorry Midori-ko you may have to wait." Dr. Briefs tells her

Midori-ko left Capsule Corp, Dr Briefs and his wife were always nice people if not too honest sometimes.
Feeling like a complete moron Midori-ko made her way to at least get some food. She hadn't eaten all day.

Sitting down at a burger place Midori-ko zoned out after ordering.

" Hey pumpkin."

" Dad?" Midori-ko looks up "What are you doing in the city?"

" Dropping off something for Ms. Briefs when she returns from space." Her father sits down across from Midori-ko

" Oh no you didn't." Midori-ko sticks her tongue out

" Oh goodness no." Toga chuckled "I had borrowed some movies from her that's all."

" Dad I'm kidding." Midori-ko says "You can date whoever you want."

" Bulma's a nice girl." Toga smiles "Once upon a time I would have jumped at the chance but I'm bound to your mother." He says

" He says

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" Yeah."

" Just as you're bound to your monkey." Toga smiles

" Ugh well Goku really pissed me off today and I'm stuck here when he and our son need me the most." Midori-ko tells him

" Couldn't Dr Briefs make you a spaceship?" Her father asks

" According to Dr Briefs there'd be no point by the time he makes one everyone would be back already." Midori-ko explains

" Here you are ma'am." The waitress brought Midori-ko her food

" Thank you."

" I see." Toga nods

" Would you like anything sir?" The waitress asks him

" An ice tea and a large fry." He orders

" Still eating like a rabbit?" Midori-ko teases

" You hush." Toga says "Especially since I have a solution for you."

" Pfff ok." Midori-ko rolls her eyes before digging into her avocado and bacon cheese burger

" Tell me what was the first gift Goku ever gave you?" Her father asks

" Why does that matter?" Midori-ko asks

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