I guess your scheme worked

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Ring ring

The house phone started going off.

Midori-ko looks up from her book, she was lounging in the front room reading The Thronbirds wrapped up in a blanket as the smell of her sleepy time tea filled the room as she munched on short bread cookies waiting for Goku to return home

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Midori-ko looks up from her book, she was lounging in the front room reading The Thronbirds wrapped up in a blanket as the smell of her sleepy time tea filled the room as she munched on short bread cookies waiting for Goku to return home.

"Who is calling right now?" Midori-ko grumbles not wanting to get up from her cozy spot

"Who is calling right now?" Midori-ko grumbles not wanting to get up from her cozy spot

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"Son family."

"Oh hi Midori-ko i-is G-Goku home?" Krillin nervously asks

"He'll be home any minute is it something I can help you with?" Midori-ko asks sensing Krillin didn't want to tell her something

"Uhh well... I guess I should tell you I was just on a patrol on Mount Butterfly and I saw Trunks and Goten." Krillin tells her

"Oh really?" Midori-ko asks now understanding why Goten wanted to stay the night at Capsule Corp "What were they doing up there?"

"I didn't have time to ask sorry." Krillin tells her

"Great." Midori-ko sighs, Krillin was saying something but she hung up the phone just as Goku came in through the front door

"I'm home." Goku called

"Hey big stuff." Midori-ko joined him in the front room

"Okay I gotta tell you everything that happened." Goku gleefully smiles as Midori-ko sits back down in her cozy spot.
Goku joined her on the couch so he could tell her everything that Goku saw that day.
He told her about how he listened in on Goten and Trunks and that they had some kind of mission and ended up at Mount Butterfly and were trying to figure out what was going on all on their own.

"They're going to give you and Vegeta a run for your money." Midori-ko teases

"No kidding." Goku reached for a cookie

"But why were Goten and Trunks at Mount Butterfly? It's abandoned." Midori-ko asks

"They were investigating something so Mai could go to the movies with him on Saturday." Goku explains

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