I said it was nothing

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"Midori-ko?!" Videl arrived at Master Roshi's island shortly after she did.

"Midori-ko?!" Videl arrived at Master Roshi's island shortly after she did

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Yamcha had helped Midori-ko get Goten upstairs and safe.

"Videl you're okay." Midori-ko hugs Videl

"Midori-ko it was horrible." Videl hugs her back

"Mommy!" Pan was quick to run out of Master Roshi's house to her mother's side

"Pan!" Videl let go of Midori-ko and scoops Pan up

"My father got her here safely." Midori-ko motions to Toga who had emerged from the house as well

"Thank you Toga." Videl holds Pan closely

"No thanks needed." Toga nods

"Where's? Everyone?" Videl asks

"Goku and Gohan aren't here yet... and Goten's he... he's unconscious." Midori-ko swallowed

"This is bad." Videl says "Midori-ko I couldn't believe it but it was Gohan that attacked us." Videl shares

"It couldn't be he was...""Grandma it was Daddy's energy." Pan's voice was almost a whisper

"That's not... that's not possible." Midori-ko says not wanting to believe the energies they were feeling were Gohan and Goten.

"Hey!" Bulma's voice called to them from her capsule Corp mini helicopter interrupting Midori-ko and Videl's conversation ahead of her was Trunks flying at top speed.

"Where's Goten?" Trunks asks as he lands

"He's upstairs." Midori-ko points to Master Roshi's house, it was taking everything in her to stay calm

"I can feel his energy weakening." Trunks shook

"It's okay he's stable, Master Roshi's already notified Master Korin and Yajirobe is on his way with senzu beans." Midori-ko explains shaking too

"Midori-ko." Toga put his hand on her shoulder "Marron was with Goten tonight."

"I know they were celebrating her birthday." Midori-ko keeps her eyes down as Bulma approached from her helicopter

"Where is she now?" Trunks stresses

"I...I don't know." Midori-ko says

"She went missing on her birthday?!" Trunks yelps

"It wasn't planned for damn sure." Midori-ko rumbles facing away from Trunks "I have to go help Goku and Gohan." She wipes tears from her eyes, now was not the time for emotions

"Go." Her father nods "We will be here when you get back."

"Who's going to tell Krillin and 18?" Bulma worries

"I want to find Marron before we have to tell them she's missing." Midori-ko holds her head

"Pumpkin you need to go." Her father tells her "I will take care of things here and keep everyone informed and safe."

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