He's just protecting you

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"Welcome I'm so happy to see you!" Zeno Sama smiles brightly at Goku

"Welcome I'm so happy to see you!" Zeno Sama smiles brightly at Goku

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"Yo." Goku was the only one who didn't bow

"This is what you're married to." Shin grumbles at Midori-ko

"Shut up." Midori-ko says under her breath, being in Zeno Sama's presence was stressful enough

"Hey you know I have to tell you I've always wanted a true friend."Zeno Sama tells Goku

"You have?" Goku asks

"I really liked you Goku back then so I want you to be my friend." Zeno Sama smiles


"What do I do as your friend?" Goku asks

"Really Goku." Shin whispers

"We had a rough night cut him some slack." Midori-ko snaps whispering back

Zeno Sama hops down from his throne and walks right up to Goku.

"Let's play." Zeno Sama reached up to Goku

"Well sure but uh did you bring me all the way out here for that?" Goku asks

"Is that not okay?" Zeno Sama asks

Midori-ko watched smiling at Goku and he bonded with his new friend Zeno Sama. They talked about several things and Goku of course brought up the next tournament.

"Zen-chan I want you to meet someone." Goku turns and motions for Midori-ko to join him

"Oh?" Zeno Sama looks up

"This is my wife Son Midori-ko." Goku smiles as she stood with him

"Son Midori-ko?" Zeno Sama tilts his head

"You humble me by allowing me to be in your presence your highness

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"You humble me by allowing me to be in your presence your highness." Midori-ko bows

"Why do I know your name?" Zeno Sama asks

"Forgive me your majesty Son Midori-ko is my married name the name you may recognize is Lady Midori-ko of the fire dragon family Ruka." Midori-ko bows again

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