I need to learn the mafu ba

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"You two really need to get a reign on your Saiyan's." Lord Beerus complains at Midori-ko and Bulma
Before either of them could say anything Kid Trunks runs up to the door from the garden.

"Mom the time machine is back!"

Everyone rushed outside to the time machine to see Goku helping Vegeta up out of the time machine but no Trunks.

"I need to learn the mafu ba and then I'm going back." Goku says after eating a senzu bean

"But it takes a whole day to extract enough fuel for the time machine for a round trip." Bulma tells Goku

"You knew that and you willing left Trunks there?" Vegeta growls

"It pointless to blame him Vegeta." Bulma says "He understands the situation."

"I'm sorry." Goku hunched over

Midori-ko watched Goku from the other couch.
He still wasn't looking at her or communicating through telepathy.
So Midori-ko decided to go outside and smoke why was she even there?
She should be at Gohan's helping Videl take care of Pan or check on Goten since he decided he wanted to spend the summer with his grandpa Toga.

"Great I'm going to need to get some more cigarillos." Midori-ko says looking at her pack she'd already gone through the one she opened this morning. Midori-ko wasn't addicted to smoking but the stress was making her smoke way more than her prescribed amount.
Midori-ko found her way to the gazebo in the garden just on the other side of the Koi pond.

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