You should've been home a while ago

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The ground rumbled as Gas increased his power more and more raising up his hand with Goku staring at the sudden change in his opponent.

All the air in Goku's body left him as Gas used such force attempting to twist and squeeze Goku's head off.

All the air in Goku's body left him as Gas used such force attempting to twist and squeeze Goku's head off

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Goku managed to instant transmission behind Gas to be jabbed in the nose.
Goku fell over coughing up blood just before Gas appeared behind him.

"It's as if every cell in my body is burning away fueling me." Gas brags "A new flavor of ecstacy." Gas chuckles gripping Goku's head tossing Goku away from him.
Gas trapped Goku in a wind tunnel shooting an energy blast so intense it would have easily sliced Goku in half of he hadn't dodged.

Gas trapped Goku in a wind tunnel shooting an energy blast so intense it would have easily sliced Goku in half of he hadn't dodged

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Midori-ko and Granolah arrived as Goku landed on the ground shaking and tired.

"MRAWWWW!" Midori-ko immediately transformed into her truest form standing over Goku's beaten body letting Gas see Midori-ko's mouth full of sword like teeth.

"MRAWWWW!" Midori-ko immediately transformed into her truest form standing over Goku's beaten body letting Gas see Midori-ko's mouth full of sword like teeth

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"You are nothing." Gas sneers at her before smacking Midori-ko across the muzzle with a fist made out of the same strange energy he made his weapons out of

Midori-ko didn't bother responding she slammed a claw down where Gas was standing trying to crush him building a flame shield around Goku.
Gas dodged Midori-ko's claw as she continues to swing at him.

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