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"Do you think this is where the big villain went on a rampage?" Goku asks as they flew over some ancient ruins

"I doubt it... those ruins look quite old." Vegeta looks down to

"I'm going to go check those out." Midori-ko points "Maybe we'll find some clues boys."

"Have fun baby

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"Have fun baby." Goku smiles "Maybe turn into your real form just in case there's bad guys down there." Goku suggests

"Ehhhh maybe." Midori-ko shrugs before flying down to the ruins letting Goku and Vegeta fly further north

Midori-ko walked around the ruins, not much seemed to be left.
The buildings looked as if there was a big enough wind they'd all fall over.
A battle or some kind of attack had definitely happened here.
Midori-ko stepped over a old broken down wall hearing Goku yelling at someone in the distance.

Midori-ko stepped over a old broken down wall hearing Goku yelling at someone in the distance

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"Sounds like they found the strongest in the universe." Midori-ko smirks before coming across a house with a door hanging off the hinges something was drawing her in.
Midori-ko entered the abandoned home to see what looked like a family huddled in the corner.
She immediately turned around Midori-ko couldn't stomach the sight of the poor family that had lost their lives.

She immediately turned around Midori-ko couldn't stomach the sight of the poor family that had lost their lives

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"Midori-ko." Vegeta calls to her

Midori-ko looks back to see Vegeta close by standing in something

"Oh hey." Midori-ko says facing Vegeta "Why aren't you with Goku?"

Goku and The Red DragonWhere stories live. Discover now