5- Silent Screams

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In the depths of the mind, there lies a place,
A realm of shadows and an endless space,
Where fears and doubts take hold and sway,
And the light of hope seems so far away.

It's a place where anxiety reigns,
A silent killer that leaves no remains,
It creeps up slowly and takes hold,
Leaving its victims feeling helpless and cold.

The mind races with a million thoughts,
A never-ending cycle that cannot be fought,
The heart pounds and the breath grows short,
As the body is consumed by this silent onslaught.

Depression, too, is a dark companion,
A weight that's heavy and always on one,
It saps the joy from even the brightest day,
And makes it hard to see the sun's ray.

The mind becomes a prison, a trap,
And hopelessness sets in, like a noose that's snapped,
It's a place of endless sadness and despair,
Where life seems pointless, and no one seems to care.

And yet, in the midst of all this pain,
There's a glimmer of hope, a flicker of flame,
For the mind is a resilient thing,
And it can heal and learn to sing.

With time and patience, and love and care,
The mind can learn to shed its despair,
It can find a way to live once more,
And leave the darkness behind and soar.

So let us not be afraid of the mind,
For it's a wondrous thing, one of a kind,
And even in its darkest hour,
It has the power to bloom like a flower.



I wrote this poem to shed light on the serious issue of mental illness. Mental illness affects millions of people around the world, and yet it is still a taboo subject that many people are hesitant to talk about. Through this poem, I wanted to convey the struggles and pain that those who suffer from mental illness go through every day. 

I hope that this poem will encourage more people to speak out about their experiences with mental illness and seek help when they need it. Remember that there is no shame in seeking help for mental health issues, and that there is always hope for recovery.



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