6- Reflections Of Strength

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When I look in the mirror
What do I see?
I see a person,
I see a girl who's proud to be me.

People may say things that hurt,
Call me ugly, call me fat,
But I won't let their words define me,
I'll rise above all that.

I know my worth, I know my value,
And I won't let anyone bring me down.
I'll love myself for who I am,
And I'll wear my confidence like a crown.

Sometimes it's hard to see the light,
When darkness seems to cloud my way,
But I won't give up, I'll keep on fighting,
And I'll make it through each day.

So I won't let anyone else control me,
Or make me feel like I'm not enough.
I'll stand strong in who I am,
And I'll be my own kind of tough.



Thank you for taking the time to read "Reflections of Strength," a poem that I wrote to remind us all of the importance of self-love and self-acceptance.

It can be challenging to navigate the world when people make hurtful comments about our appearance or judge us based on our size or shape. But I truly believe that we are all beautiful and worthy of love, just as we are.

Through this poem, I hope to inspire you to see yourself in a positive light and to embrace your unique qualities and strengths. I encourage you to hold your head up high and to never let anyone dim your light or dull your spirit.

Remember that you are capable of great things and that you have the power to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. I hope that this poem serves as a source of comfort and inspiration to you on your journey of self-discovery and self-love.



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