7. Chapter (Two Old Rivals)

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Lady Corinne St. Arcey turned her head towards her son, her lips parting with a disdainful tone:

"I never fathomed the day would come when you would accompany me to such a ghastly affair. Do you truly believe I would halt the carriage near a common inn just to quench my thirst?"

"After witnessing all that I have, nothing is beyond your capabilities," Travis replied, his gaze fixed upon the dreary walls of the passing residences.

A wry smile froze upon Corinne's lips, and for the remainder of the journey, she maintained her silence. As soon as she regained her sobriety after being discovered in a stupor soaked as a sailor on shore leave, she swiftly perceived that her son regarded his warnings with earnest seriousness. Not a drop of spirits could be found within the household, and access to the wine cellar was denied to her without the key to its doors.

However, her personal chambers remained unsearched, and Travis remained ignorant of the few bottles of liqueur secreted away in her tall escritoire. It would suffice to manage the withdrawal symptoms for a brief period, but she would have to contrive a solution, all the while under her son's watchful gaze. Upon arriving at the resplendent abode of the Kendalls, Travis aided his mother in descending from the carriage, escorting her to the grand entrance.

"Do you truly have no desire to enter?" she inquired with irony lacing her voice.

"I believe the question to be superfluous, mother."

With her back turned elegantly, she departed from his presence. Travis scarcely retreated from the threshold when another carriage swiftly approached. He recognised the coachman, as well as the gentleman clad in fashionable attire who emerged from within.

"Evan?" he called out to him.

The addressed individual cast upon him a hostile glare, and it was then that Travis perceived the bruises adorning his youthful countenance. As he ascended the steps, his gait exhibited a noticeable limp, and his left hand remained swathed in white bandages, extending to his fingertips.

"What has befallen you, Evan?" Travis inquired with a tone of concern.

"What would you surmise? I was accosted upon the road from Watford last eve," he curtly retorted, devoid of any salutation, and endeavoured to expedite his departure.

"It is difficult to fathom such when the coachman remains unscathed," Travis remarked with a trace of irony.

Evan Kendall halted in his tracks, regarding his acquaintance from university with hostility.

"I rode unaccompanied," he snapped.

"You possess an aversion for riding."

Silence ensued. Travis scrutinised his sole friend, with whom he maintained a semblance of companionship during the absence of the Gray brothers. Throughout their years in Cambridge, he had developed an affinity for him, believing it to be reciprocated. However, Travis was a diligent scholar, adhering to a strict schedule of work and leisure, whereas Evan partook in everything except scholarly pursuits. Their bond had cooled in the wake of their schooling, as Travis was preoccupied with his mother, while Evan seemed perennially "elsewhere". In this very moment, he was prepared to depart without uttering another word, yet Travis' voice arrested him.

"Have we ceased to be friends? Must we now harbour secrets? I was unaware of your return."

Evan emitted a bitter laugh, retorting, "You are not capable of fostering friendships, Travis. Your integrity, wisdom, and, above all, sobriety preclude such associations."

Travis regarded him with a perplexed expression, while Evan, contorting his visage, drew near. He placed his hand upon Travis' shoulder and spoke, fixing his penetrating green eyes upon him:

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