31. Chapter (Haughtiness In Hertford)

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The sun reached its zenith in the sky as Daniel reluctantly departed from Thornton Hall. He yielded to his mother's unyielding insistence, disregarding all his excuses to linger, and sent Felix in his stead. Recognising the steadfastness of her decision, Daniel took Felix aside and advised him:

"Keep a vigilant eye on our mother. You witnessed firsthand how our father's temper flares when drinking is involved. If you find it difficult to confront him, at the very least, inform me promptly if anything untoward occurs, and I shall return posthaste."

Felix nodded, but discomfort lingered in his countenance, maintaining a reserved stance amidst his brother and mother's accusations against their father's alleged violence. Daniel keenly sensed that his brother, unaccustomed to defying their father or experiencing his wrath firsthand, found the situation challenging. The decision to visit the Prices in the face of family discord made his departure all the more arduous. While the lost chest held value, his family remained his utmost priority at all times.

Now, the sun bore down on his figure, adorned in a crisp white shirt, prompting sweat droplets to form on his forehead in response to the sweltering heat. Regret crept in for not opting for a carriage with a coachman instead of choosing to ride on horseback. Yet, the decision to bring only a horse seemed wiser, considering the possibility of needing to return to London under urgent circumstances, Heaven forbid.

Abruptly, a swath of woodland unfolded before him, and Daniel sought refuge in its shade. As he traversed the tree-lined avenue, the much-needed coolness enveloped him, and he caught a glimpse of sunlight glistening on the water in the distance.

Excellent, perhaps I shall invigorate myself along the way, he pondered, then proceeded toward the glistening light, which unveiled itself to be a lake. As he drew near, a sight caught his eye—something white afloat on the water's surface. The object gradually took form as the distance diminished. The final few yards he traversed on horseback at a leisurely pace. Initially startled, he connected the white object with a human figure as he neared—it had seemed, at first, like a drowned person in the lake. Yet, it transpired to be none other than Eliza Price, afloat in the water, attired only in a delicate undergarment. She extended her arms in the water like a butterfly, moving further to convey her vitality and awareness to Daniel.

Though too distant to discern the finer details through the thin fabric, he enjoyed a glimpse of her contours. When she raised her head slightly, her ears no longer submerged, Daniel couldn't restrain himself and exclaimed, "The water must be exceptionally refreshing today, for such exquisite fish to grace its depths!"

Eliza started in the water, swiftly turning toward the direction from which the voice emanated.

"Lord Gray!" she exclaimed, her face tinged with a blush. Clothed in delicate undergarments, she couldn't help but worry about the potential visibility of certain contours. Mayhap he espied her breasts and whatnot...

"Lady Price," he greeted her with a mocking tone, dismounted his horse, and approached the water's edge.

Instinctively, Eliza shifted further into the lake, scowling at him like an offended deity of this lake.

"May I join you?" Daniel inquired in a teasing tone.

"Don't you dare dip a toe! The lake belongs to my family," she shouted in response.

"Hmm," he uttered, hands resting on his hips, as he surveyed the surroundings.

Lord Gray observed her garments neatly arranged on a rock, where Eliza had placed them before immersing herself in the water. Striding over to the stone, he gestured toward the attire.

"I presume these belong to you as well," he remarked, bending down to retrieve her belongings.

"Return them at once!" she exclaimed, her furious amber eyes fixed upon him.

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