60. Epilogue II (Isabella, I Implore You)

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Three years hence...

Isabella gently cradled the babe in her arms, swaying him to slumber with a tender lullaby. The child seemed to succumb to the soothing melody, yet she persisted, ensuring the babe had truly entered the realm of dreams. Placing him delicately in his crib, she gazed upon his cherubic countenance until a movement caught her peripheral vision. Eliza stood at the threshold, gesturing with a letter in hand. Bella, with utmost caution, departed from the room.

"A missive has arrived for you, Bella," Eliza proffered, extending it to her. Bella swiftly unfolded the missive, perusing the agitated script before releasing a sigh and carefully folding it once more. Seating herself upon the divan, she buried her face in her hands, as if the words conveyed wretched tidings. Eliza, sensing her distress, joined her side and enfolded her in a sisterly embrace, fearing the worst, that ill fortune had befallen their kin.

"He beseeches my return to London, posthaste, invoking my aid," Bella murmured.

"Will you heed his summons? You are in no wise beholden to him, and moreover, his entreaty carries a whiff of impropriety," Eliza inquired, her countenance fraught with concern.

Inwardly relieved that her family remained unscathed, Eliza kept her hand on Bella's shoulder.

Shaking her head, she replied, "I shall go, Eliza. I acknowledge that you and Daniel granted me refuge here but for a fleeting span, and I have long overstayed my welcome. The hour has come for my return to London. My possessions here are scant, thus nought impedes my departure within a few short hours."

"You are eternally welcome within our midst, whether for days, weeks, or years. You knowest full well that neither Daniel nor I shall ever banish thee," Eliza assured her.

"I am cognisant, yet what of Arden and Aileen... and..." Her voice quivered, and she opted not to conclude.

Eliza nodded in understanding. "I comprehend thy desire to assist them, yet above all, they crave time. Should the burdens at home weigh heavily upon thee, return to our embrace. And do convey our greetings to our progenitors, Arden, and... Aileen, shall she return in the meantime."

"Indeed, Eliza."

The sisters embraced, their fervent clasp a testament to sibling devotion. Subsequently, Isabella retired to her chamber, resuming her preparations for departure. When the time came to summon the servants, who would convey the trunks to the awaiting carriage, two footmen materialised at the doorway, promptly assuming their duties. Descending to the parlour, Daniel and Eliza, accompanied by little Rowena, awaited her presence, desiring a final conversation and valediction befitting their familial bond. Before she realised, her valet assisted her into the awaiting carriage. She bid farewell, her hand waving to her sister, brother-in-law, and their firstborn, endeavouring to suppress the tears welling within her eyes.

She comprehended that her sojourn amongst the Grays had but been a transitory respite, granting Eliza solace during Julien's birth. Yet little Rowena had nestled deep within her heart, rending it asunder with her departure. It would be a protracted span before she beheld their countenances anew, for Eliza now attended to her two offspring, and the advent of further progeny within their household remained a possibility. Bella earnestly wished them felicity, albeit a tiny tempest of envy mingled with her emotions, reminding her of what she herself had willingly relinquished, convinced that a suitable suitor eluded her grasp. Though such a man may indeed exist, she could no longer conceal her sentiments—she wept, and it took but a moment before tranquillity settled within her. She felt slighted by higher powers, although the truth remained that she had spurned several suitors, and society regarded her with indifference.

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