26. Chapter (Vacationing In Hertford)

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*sotto voce - Italian origin, used in music; means low subdued tone, hum

*queue - a ponytail hairstyle in men

In endeavouring to carry out Elizabeth's resolution, it became apparent that the task was not one easily achieved

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In endeavouring to carry out Elizabeth's resolution, it became apparent that the task was not one easily achieved. John's delicate constitution endured, and the wintry weather persisted, compelling a delay until the onset of mid-June before their planned relocation could be set in motion. Throughout this intervening span, events unfolded at a measured pace. The social season for the young Ladies Price came to an early close, for Elizabeth staunchly declined attendance at any assemblies in the absence of her husband.

It was not her sole argument, for since Eliza's unfortunate encounter, she advised her entire family to abstain from society's pursuits temporarily. Eliza found solace in this arrangement, as it shielded her from suitors, and in particular, the unbearable Lord Daniel Gray. Arden, however, harboured reservations concerning the matter due to the foregone chest. Alas, his concerns were temporarily silenced by his father's ailing condition. And any misgivings that weighed upon his mind, especially those concerning Lynette, were muffled by the company of Lady Allman, with whom he increasingly sought solace.

In an effort to alleviate the circumstances surrounding their father and the chest, Bella and Aileen sought to trivialise the matter. Their youthfulness granted them this liberty. Frequent visits were paid to the Rosewells, to the point where their host, Lord Edmund Rosewell, inquired lightheartedly as to the purpose of their return home when they would rejoin his household in a mere two days' time. Thus, the days melded into one another until the warmth finally arrived, enabling the Price family to depart from the bustling streets of London.

The country estate belonging to the Price family, situated in Hertford, lacked the ostentatious grandeur of their urban abode. Nevertheless, it exuded a delightful rustic charm, affording the family a sense of contentment and relaxation. The change of scenery visibly rejuvenated all who dwelled within and within a mere days, John's vitality displayed marked improvement. The attending physician's last visit concluded with the observation that the Duke now possessed the strength to embark upon brief strolls around the premises. Accordingly, a specially crafted cane was bestowed upon him, tailored to his precise stature. At present, he reclined within the estate, while Elizabeth sat at his side, engrossed in reading aloud. Arden, on the other hand, wrestled with the intricacies of bookkeeping. Aileen and Isabella, arm in arm, embarked upon a leisurely stroll, sparing Eliza, who occupied a bench nestled behind the abode, nought but a fleeting glance.

The sun began its descent, and Eliza couldn't help but find their timing peculiar—a venture embarked upon so close to the evening repast. However, recollections of the nearby natural pond, offering respite from the sweltering heat, quickly assuaged her curiosity. Returning her attention to the book that had eluded her for months, she deliberately suppressed the longing to partake in a cooling swim. Regrettably, her relationship with her sisters exhibited little improvement. Aileen persisted in her mockery, whilst Isabella adopted a stance of complete avoidance. Even when Eliza ventured into Isabella's chamber, the latter would promptly cover her ears, murmuring sotto voce* to herself, thus averting any exchange of words. Consequently, Eliza resolved to grant her sister additional time to cool off and herself to extricate her thoughts from the enchantment cast by an unknown gentleman—a man who, with a mere touch of his lips, had unveiled a world of passion hitherto confined to the realms of literary imagination. Even now, her knees trembled at the mere recollection.

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