David Rossi- Say You Wont Let Go

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A/n: y/n can be around Hotch's age in this one, although it's really up to you to decide her age. I also got this idea from Criminalcows I love the criminal minds Oneshots they make so check them out as well.

I met you in the dark, you lit me up

You made me feel as though I was enough

You remember when you transferred to the BAU and met your new team. Everyone was so nice and you quickly became one of them. Although you noticed one of the newer members David Rossi kept to himself a lot. You were told by Emily Prentiss that he's only been with them a few months, and that he's warming up to the idea of having a team.

We danced the night away, we drank too much

I held your hair back when

You were throwing up

None of them seemed to really notice that he wasn't just learning how to be a team, but that he was struggling. You could tell though, because you also had a time in your life where you were in the same place you thought he was in.

After that you tried a bit harder to get closer to him. You didn't want him to go through whatever it was he was going through alone, because you knew how that felt.

Then you smiled over your shoulder

For a minute, I was stone-cold sober

I pulled you closer to my chest

The day everything changed was one you'll never forget. You had been working for the BAU for a few months now and had just came home from a brutal case. You quickly fell asleep, but sometime into the night you woke up to a sharp knock at your door.

You got up and half stumbled to the door and opened it to see weary looking Rossi. Instantly you stood up straighter, feeling more awake.

"Rossi I- are you-...what are you doing here?"

Then he told you everything, about the case he couldn't solve and how it had drivin him mad, haunting him everywhere he went. Those children he had sworn to find the answers they were looking for, but never could. He told you about his sleepless nights, and the nights he had gotten sleep but had been woken up by horrid nightmares. He couldn't take it anymore, he needed someone to lean on and he thought since you were so nice to him since you joined that you could help him.

And you asked me to stay over

I said, I already told ya

I think that you should get some rest

"Are you sure you don't want to stay here? You can take my bed, I'll sleep on the couch. Or we could just stay up and talk." You just wanted him to stay. You didn't really understand why, but you didn't want him to be alone after everything he just admitted.

He shook his head, "you need sleep after this case. I'm sorry for waking you up." He turned to leave but you grabbed his hand before he could go. You convinced him to stay with you that night, and you sat with him in bed, stroking his hair until he fell asleep. It was in that time when you realized you were falling for the man who was sleeping with his head on your lap, with an ever so slight snore. What you didn't know at the time, was that David Rossi had felt the same way for you.

After that day you and David became inseparable. Constantly teasing each other and hanging around each other more often. You had even been a regular visitor at his mansion. He made meals for you and the two of you would sip wine on the couch and talk about things, sometimes meaningless things, sometimes deeper things. You became each other's everything.

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