Aaron Hotchner- Say Something

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"Please, please just say something!" You begged, holding back the sobs buried deep in your chest.

Your boyfriend looked at you once, no sympathy on his face. He then turned his back on you and went into your shared bedroom.

You turned for the door and ran out. You didn't know where else to go. It was so stupid, moving in with your boyfriend, because now you realized things weren't steady enough for that, especially now. You had nowhere to go...except...

You went to the only place you could think of. You went to work.

It was twelve in the morning so nobody should be there. You hopped in your car and drove, not even thinking about the route, you knew how to get there by heart. That wasn't exactly a gift though, as it left room to think about other things, things that made your eyes water with tears.

You went to your desk when you arrived at the bullpen. You sat in your chair and brought your knees to your chest and finally let yourself break. You sobbed into your hands, not caring how much noise you were making. You just let yourself release all of the emotions you were holding in when you told your boyfriend...well maybe ex boyfriend now, you weren't sure. Maybe he'd calm down enough and call you when his head was clear...or not.

Judging by the text message you got in the last minute, the latter was more likely.

I want your things gone by tomorrow night. I'll help if you need it. Sorry it has to be like this.

You set your phone down at your desk as fresh waves of tears spilled onto your cheeks, knowing full well that he was in fact, not at all sorry that it had to be like this.

You were so out of it that you didn't really pay attention to the fact that Hotch had his lights on in his office, not until you heard a door creek behind you. You quickly turned around to see a confused looking Hotch staring back at you. He had the same protected facial expression as usual, but his eyes had a soft touch to them when he saw you sitting there, helpless and vulnerable.

"W-What are you doing here?" You sniffled.

You quickly wiped away your tears and tried to compose yourself. It was highly embarrassing when your boss walked in on you having a breakdown.

"I could ask you the same thing," he replied softly, but loud enough for you to hear, "I had to finish up some paperwork."

You shook your head, laughing briefly, but tears shone in your eyes again, "don't you ever leave?"

"Every once and a while. I have a supply of clothes stored in my desk drawers," he joked, although there was no humor in his voice, which was typical. It was hard to know when he made jokes, because he sounded very sincere when he made things. It always made his jokes a lot funnier. Not that he made them often.

You smiled weakly at him, but he seemed to see right through you. "Do you want to come in?" He opened the door wider and gestured for you to step inside.

You stood up, wobbling a little. You noticed his arm stretch out as if he were waiting to catch you if you were to fall, although that was impossible considering the amount of distance between you two, not to mention the stairs. He let his hand fall to his side again when you steadied yourself and began walking to his office. You didn't expect to stumble on your way into his office, but you couldn't see past your own two feet with your tearful eyes. This time with Hotch being right there, he caught you in his steady arms as you fell against his chest.

The scent of his cologne sent a wave of unexpected pleasure throughout your body. He always smelled so good. You marveled about how good it felt being in your bosses arms. He was big and strong, and you fit perfectly against him like a puzzle piece. The only other time you were in his arms like this was when you got kidnapped and tortured. Hotch was the one to save you and he took you in his arms and held you, trying to calm you down. You felt the same way back then, jittery, butterflies in the stomach, excitement despite the circumstance.

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