Spencer Reid- Drunken Mess

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You and the girls spend a night alone together to relax. Y/n gets a bit too drunk

It was just you, Emily, JJ, and Garcia tonight. You all agreed you needed some quality time together. Things like work, boyfriends, and children got in the way of the usual girls night out, but not tonight. Tonight you would sleep over at Emily's new house, not like any of you would do much of sleeping tonight anyways.

You sent a quick text to your boyfriend Spencer Reid once you got to her house.

Here. Can't wait to see you tomorrow:)

Alright. Don't drink too much! I mean it y/n you are horrible at keeping alcohol down and then you'll complain about how you shouldn't have done it and will NEVER drink again. Love you:)

That wasn't very loving Spence :(

"Hey no phones," Emily crossed her arms, "we agreed to no distractions so stop sexting Reid."

You blushed and bumped your shoulder against hers, "wasn't sexting," you huffed and put your phone in your pocket after seeing Spencer's reply, a winky face.

You took a seat on the couch after grabbing a beer from the fridge, "it's really a lovely place Em, you made a good choice."

"Yeah, I've really started to like this place."

You took a swig of the beer and turned to JJ, "how's Will and Henry?"

"Oh Henry's in his horrible toddler stage," JJ chuckled, "but he's got his sweet moments. Wills good."

"I swear it's been too long since I've seen Henry. He probably doesn't even remember me!" Garcia pouted.

"Oh trust me Pen I think he'd remember you," JJ chuckled.

The light conversations continued for a while, as well as the beer. You already felt a little tipsy.

The pizza Emily ordered a little bit ago came and you quickly got up to get it and brought it to the living room, setting it on the coffee table.

"Oh finally I'm starving," Emily said while opening the lid and taking the first slice. You quickly followed suit, also starving.


It was now two in the morning and you were completely drunk. You wanted nothing more than to text your boyfriend, you missed him which sounded pathetic, but you were also drunk. You were having a good time though. Garcia had brought over a karaoke machine and the four of you sang and danced around like teenage girls.

You were having a good time that is, before you started throwing up. You and Garcia were dancing with each other when you felt your stomach turn and you ended up throwing up on the floor. JJ took you to the bathroom while Emily and Garcia cleaned it up. You threw up again in the toilet and then leaned against the sink and washed your mouth out. You closed your eyes and took deep breaths through your mouth. Meanwhile JJ pulled out her phone and texted someone.

"Spencer's on his way now," JJ said after a few minutes of silence.

You nodded slightly and moaned when you felt your stomach turn. You went back to the toilet while JJ held your hair back.

JJ took you back to the living room. You sat on the couch with your knees to your chest. You heard a knock on the door about ten minutes later. Emily went to answer it and you turned to see Spencer standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets.

You smiled lazily at him and stood up and stumbled over to him, accidentally falling forward. His took his hands out of his pockets and caught you. You melted into him and took in the smell of him. It never failed to comfort you, "Sssssssspencerrr," you slurred, burying your face into his chest.

Spencer looked down at you and shook his head and whispered, "what am I going to do with you love?" He scooped you up, holding you bridal style while he thanked the girls for taking care of you. He took you to his car and sat you in the passengers seat.

Once he was in the car he started to drive to your place, "you know I told you not to drink too much. You have a listening problem," he grinned at you, clearly stuck between worry and amusement.

You stuck your tongue out at him.

"Don't be like that, I just care about you that's all," he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before focusing his attention back on the road. Once you were at your apartment you got out of the car, wobbling a little and leaning against the car door. Spencer picked you up and carried you to your apartment room.

"You're staaaying with me right Spencie?" You asked, burying your face against his neck.

Spencer giggled a little, "that tickles, and yes of course." He took you inside and laid you down on your couch. Then he made his way into the kitchen and got you a glass of water.

"Noooo no water," you whined.

"Yess yes water." He sat beside you and handed you the glass but you wouldn't drink it.

"Please y/n? Please for me?" He rubbed his nose against your neck affectionately, making you giggle.

"Fineee but only because you're a cutie pieee." You took a few sips of water and handed the glass back to him. He sat it on the coffee table and took your legs and sat them on his thighs.

"S-Spence-" you mumbled weakly.

"Yeah? What's wrong?"

"I don't feel so good..."

That was all you needed to say, he picked you up and rushed you to the bathroom and set you down. You sat on your knees and opened the toilet seat, vomiting a fourth time tonight. Spencer held your hair back and rubbed small circles on your back. You got up and washed your mouth and face. Spencer wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead.

He took you to your bedroom and helped you out of your clothes and then into an old tang top and shorts. You crawled into bed and curled up in a ball. He followed suit and held you protectively, "try to get some sleep okay?" He said gently. He kissed you softly for a moment and even in your drunken state you fell more in love with him.

"I just threw up you know," you whispered when he pulled away.

"I know," he whispered back and planted a small kiss on your forehead. You hugged his waist and listened to his heartbeat. Tomorrow would be hell, but at least you had Spencer to take care of you.

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