Aaron Hotchner- Set Up

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Not many people could say that they were in love with their boss, but you certainly could, and everyone on the team painfully knew it, all except boss man himself.

They all tried to convince you to tell him your feelings, whether that be by sitting down and talking to you about Hotch as Rossi did, making jokes about it like Morgan did, or ramble about statistics involving love like Reid did. Not even the person you were closest to on the team, Emily, could get you to tell him. So instead she kept suggesting letting her set you up.

"It could be a good way to get out there and maybe you'll forget about Hotch," she offered.

"Hard to forget when he's literally with us almost every day."

She rolled her eyes and kept going with the suggestion. The others were also in favor of that. Eventually you just had to give up and let her set you up on a date.

"One date and one date only. Choose wisely," you told her sternly.

You could see Emily's eyes light up before she made her way to JJ and Morgan to discuss how they were going to make your life an eternal hell for you. You shuddered to think about giving anyone on your team the privilege to set you up with someone, you had no faith in them when it came to that.

It was about a week later when Emily came up to you and informed you that you had a date tomorrow night with this guy. You felt yourself rise into a state of panic.

"Do you know him at least?" You asked.

"Yes, and the whole team helped set it up, you'll really like the guy," she gushed.


You were the first to arrive at the restaurant. You sat at the table Emily told you to sit at and waited for this guy, fidgeting with your fingers as you did so. The waiter came by, so you ordered two waters for now, not knowing what this mystery guy would want to drink.

Then you saw Hotch come into the restaurant, you quickly grew confused, and by the look on his face when you made eye contact with him, he was too.

He walked over to you, "hey y/l/n, what are you doing here?"

"I um- have a date..." you really hoped this wasn't what you thought it was. "Emily said I'd meet the guy here..."

Hotch hung his head, "and David told me he wanted me to meet this girl he planned to set me up with here."

"Damn the team," you mumbled to yourself.  He seemed to hear that, because his cheeks reddened slightly. "I'm going to get back at them," you promised him, although he didn't look mad about the whole set up, not like you were. Emily was about to be a victim here soon.

"I'll pretend not to notice if you do."

You smiled a little, jokes weren't usually his thing, so it was nice to hear one from him.

"I'd say we shouldn't give into them, but I'm starving, want to sit?" You asked casually, although your stomach was turning at the thought of having dinner with Hotch himself.

"Of course." He sat down and looked at the menu. When the waiter came you ordered the first thing you saw, too nervous to actually pay attention to what it was.

"So how's Jack doing?" You were generally curious, you loved Jack.

"He's great, I think he misses his mom though," he frowned suddenly, "I just hope I'm doing a good enough job as a dad."

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