Aaron Hotchner- Meeting Jack

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You very recently joined the BAU, and within the span of about two weeks you started going out with your chief unit Aaron Hotchner. It wasn't very professional but you both couldn't deny the level of attraction you had for each other. It's been over a month now since you've been together and you have yet to meet his son Jack.

Although it did feel like you knew him because of how much Aaron talked about him to you. You thought it was so adorable how proud Aaron was of his son, and that he loved him with everything he had. You were really exited to meet him, which was the plan for tonight. Meet your boyfriends son.

You were nervous because this was a big step. Jack could end up hating you and then things would get complicated. Aaron assured you that he wouldn't hate you, but what if he only saw you as someone trying to replace his mother? It wasn't true at all, but what else was a little boy supposed to think?

Now you and Aaron weren't the fairytale love story where you fall madly in love with each other within a week of knowing one another, no. In fact you weren't even sure you were in love with him yet. It's hard to tell within a month. You definitely have strong feelings for him, and vise versa, but when it comes to relationships you don't want to assume you instantly love a guy.

You went into Aaron's office after the nights work was done. He was sitting in his chair looking at some papers, tapping on the desk with his pen. "You're nervous for tonight?" You guessed.

Aaron looked up and gave you a small nod, "yeah a little, not that I don't think he won't like you, but because it feels like a big step."

"Well it is a big step," you walked over to stand behind him and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, your hands resting on his chest. You laid your chin on the top of his head, giving it a small kiss. "We don't have to if you don't want to yet Aaron, I understand if you want to wait."

"No no I'm ready," he set the pen down and put one of his hands overtop yours, "plus I already told Jack I was bringing home someone special tonight."

"Special eh?" You smirked a little and kissed his cheek.

"Very special," he let go of your hand and stood up, "you ready?"



You were about to walk inside Aaron's house for the first time. He was always at your place for...relations. You felt a little nervous but Aaron reassured you by taking your hand. He opened the door and led you inside.

You let go of his hand when you saw a boy sprinting over to you and Aaron. You could tell from the thousands of pictures Aaron showed you that this was Jack.

Aaron picked him up and gave him a big hug, smiling at him, "hey buddy!" It was different to see him this happy and carefree, you loved this side of him already.

"Hi daddy," Jack grinned before his eyes settled on you, "is this the special person?"

"She sure is," he set Jack down and took a seat on the couch, you followed suit, sitting next to him. "Jack this is y/n  y/l/n. She works with me."

"Hi y/n," Jack beamed up at you.

"Hello Jack, your daddy's told me all about you, he says you're the sweetest little boy."

"It's probably true," he looked a little shy, even having a faint pink to his cheeks.

"Mm I think it's definitely true."

"Jack, y/n is...she's very special to me, so you're going to see more of her, are you okay with that?" Aaron asked.

Jack nodded enthusiastically, making you smile a little. "Wait do you guys kiss?" He asked.

Aarons cheeks reddened, and so did yours for that matter. Children really did know how to ask those questions that make adults squirm. It was always entertaining until you were the one squirming.

"Um- sometimes," he blushed darker.

"Can we watch a movie and eat popcorn?"

Aaron, thankful for the change of subject, nodded and stood up, "I'll go make popcorn, have y/n help you put on a movie."

You turned on the movie of Jacks choice. He curled up on the couch next to you and laid his head on your arm. Aaron came back with a big bowl of popcorn, he smiled when he saw you two. "Getting along I see. And you were worried," his smile turned into a small smirk.

You rolled your eyes at him which only made him chuckle. He sat down next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, and then his mouth was by your ear, "should I be jealous that Jacks already so fond of you?"

You chuckled softly and kissed him on the cheek, "he's always going to love his father more."

"I want him to love you though, like I'm starting to," he whispered back. You almost didn't realize what he was saying. You looked into his eyes and for a split second you could see the slight worry behind them.

"I think I'm starting to love you too Aaron," you smiled as you watched his eyes change from worry to happiness.

"Hey guys you are missing the movie!" Jack whisper shouted. Aaron giggled, he actually giggled, and it was the sweetest sound your ears have ever heard.

"Alright buddy we're sorry."

Jack leaned back into you and you wrapped your arm around his waist. Even if you had just met him you already loved him so much. You had a feeling that these two boys sitting on either side of you would become your whole world.

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