Spencer Reid- Fall Into Me

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The day that I met you

The world had just spit me out

On my way to the bottom

Sure I'd never be found

Then you saw me for me

Made me believe in myself

On the day that I met you

It all turned around

You were pretty stressed out lately, with work and everything else going on around you, it just felt like too much. You needed an escape. It wasn't always like that thought, especially when you were with your boyfriend Spencer, but even with him in your life you were still stressing.

It was raining one Monday afternoon, almost like the world was agreeing with the dullness that Monday's brought. You were at work, tediously filling out paperwork. Your mood matched the weather out, so you just kept to yourself for the day.

You said close your eyes

Don't look down

It continued to rain on and off throughout the day. Sometimes a light drizzle and then sometimes not so light. When it was time to go home it was still raining out. Spencer walked over to you, "hey, I wanna do something before you go home." He grabbed your hand and led you outside into the rain.

You were confused at first, but when he pulled you to him and grabbed one of your hands and then placing his other hand on your back, you understood, and you shook your head, laughing and blushing. "Spence what are you doing?" You placed your other hand on his shoulder.

"I'm dancing with you in the rain because apparently that's something couples do to be romantic. I do not understand it whatsoever and we'll probably both catch a cold but I want to see you happy," slowly he started to sway with you, being carful not to slip on the wet ground.

"Spencer Reid trying to be romantic?" You raised you eyebrow at him skeptically.

"Mm it is possible believe it or not," he spun you and then pulled you close to him again, so close to him. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling.

Fall into me and I'll catch you, darlin

We'll dance in the street like nobody's watching

It's just you and me and the song on repeat in my head

Playing over and over

I'm drunk on your voice high on the moment

I'd fall for you twice if that's what you wanted

I'd give you my life from now 'til forever

I'm falling in love with you

Over and over again

"You know," Spencer began, "I thought this was ridiculously stupid. Getting soaked by rain, no music, and anyone could be watching us. Why would that be romantic or fun? But now, now that you're here with me I couldn't think of anything I'd rather be doing."

You blushed at his words, "okay really what have you done to the real Spencer?"

"Well you must've killed him because I'm only like this with you," he spun you again and then continued swaying slowly with you. You squeezed the hand that was in yours and looked up at him. He was absolutely soaked, the both of you were, but you didn't think about that.

You leaned in and kissed him slow and passionate and right in that moment it was just you and Spencer alone in your own world. This was what you needed. The moment of feeling like nothing else mattered but you and him. Not a case, not your personal problems, nothing mattered but the man dancing with you in the rain like you were in some romcom.

Until I had met you

There was no sun in my sky

No mirrors for monsters

And no love in sight

Then you walked down those stairs

And I knew my heart wasn't mine

On the day that I met you

My whole world came alive

Spencer looked at you like you were the only thing holding him to this earth. You could see the raw emotions in his eyes, and you desperately wanted to know what he was thinking at this moment.

He must have noticed the look of questioning because he smiled shyly, "I can't believe you chose me y/n. I mean I ramble all the time and talk about statistics and whatnot. I'm just not a good boyfriend, or at least I don't feel like it, because I'm not what you'd consider a normal boyfriend who's into normal things."

"Spence.." you pressed your cheek against the crook of his neck. "Look what you're doing for me? You're slow dancing in the rain with me and you think you're a nerdy unromantic unworthy boyfriend?"

His cheeks turned a light shade of pink, "well yeah today, but all the other times."

"I love you today and all the other days when you talk my ear off about the most unromantic things. I love you for who you are," you kissed his neck softly.

"I love you so much sweetheart," he whispered to you, "I fall in love with you all over again, every single day without fail."

"For someone who says he isn't romantic, that was pretty damn romantic," you were glad your face was buried in Spencer's neck because you really could not stop smiling.

You said close your eyes

I got you now

The two of you danced silently, without a care in the world. Swaying slowly with each other to the music in your heads, blocking out the rest of the world. Spencer had succeeded in trying to get you to forget about everything that was stressing you out. Right now it was just you and him.

Fall into me and I'll catch you, darlin

We'll dance in the street like nobody's watching

It's just you and me and the song on repeat in my head

Playing over and over

I'm drunk on your voice high on the moment

I'd fall for you twice if that's what you wanted

I'd give you my life from now 'til forever

I'm falling in love with you

Over and over again

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