David Rossi- Mans Best Friend

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David's dog had recently passed away, and he didn't want to admit it, but you knew it hurt him. A dog is a man's best friend after all. You tried to talk to him about it but whenever you tried he'd just shrug and say "he was old, dogs have to go eventually anyways." You knew he was hurting more than he let on. You even caught him sniffling late one night when he thought you were asleep.

You just tried to give him some space because he liked to deal with pain on his own, but when you saw the litter of chocolate lab puppies for sale...well you had to. You were a little hesitant to contact the people, because what if David looked at a puppy and thought you were merely trying to replace his old dog with a new one. That wasn't true at all, you just thought he could use a little distraction and love from another pup.

You had a hard time choosing just one puppy, they all looked so adorable. In the end you went for the calmer pup of the bunch. He had soft chocolate brown fur with a white patch on his chest and light green eyes. His name was Charlie. He laid curled up on your lap when you drove home, to David's place.

"Alright little guy, we're here." You scooped him up in your arms and took him inside the house, calling for David.

"I'm in the living room!" He called back.

You braced yourself, holding the squirming Charlie in your arms as you made your way into the room. A small smile played on David's lips at the sight of you, but it fell when he looked at what was in your arms.

"Y/n...what's that?" He asked slowly.

"It's a uh-...a surprise," you smiled guiltily at him and then sighed, "look you may not like him now but he'll turn into a great dog."

David looked too stunned for words. You tried to read his face to see if he was angry or upset, but his face looked blank.

"Dave," you began. "Please don't be angry.
I just know how much you loved him, so I thought this would cheer you up...his names Charlie." You sat down next to him and gently sat Charlie onto his lap.

He looked down at the puppy on his lap, and his lips turned up in a small crooked smile. You immediately smiled at him and curled up on his side.

"Thank you sweetheart," he whispered to you, placing a gentle kiss on your temple. You blushed faintly and rested your head on his shoulder.

Charlie wagged his tail and yapped impatiently, like he demanded attention. David looked down at him and started to stroke his back. Charlie licked David's wrist and arched his back.

"Hey little guy," he cooed.

Charlie jumped off his lap and ran around in circles on the floor, then he started nibbling at the legs of the coffee table. David shook his head and got off the couch to sit on the floor by Charlie.

"Right I got some toys before picking him up, they are in the car."

David nodded slightly as Charlie ran around in circles around David while barking. You got up and walked back to the car to grab Charlie's things. You came back to see David and Charlie playing around with each other. David was on all fours while Charlie lunged at him, jumping on his back and nipping at his arms with his baby teeth. David would gently poke him with his pointer finger in return. He saw you and sat down on the floor again, smiling sheepishly at you.

You rose your eyebrow at him, "having fun?"

"He insisted on it," David muttered.

You sat down next to him, handing him one of Charlie's new toys, a tug of war rope. Charlie immediately took interest in it and took the end of the rope in his mouth and pulled. David effortlessly pulled back, but he cut the poor pup some slack and let him have the rope after a couple minutes of back and fourth tugging. Charlie happily excepted his prize and pranced around the room with the toy hanging limp in his mouth.

David took the opportunity to pull you close to him, "you're amazing you know," he moved a strand of hair away from your face and tucked it behind your ear.

"Why thank you, Dave." You leaned in to kiss him, but Charlie jumped up on your lap and licked your chin.

You wiped your chin and giggled, "yes okay I'll acknowledge you too." You scratched his side.

Charlie leapt into David's lap next and licked his chin and went up to his face. David's face scrunched up and he leaned back, "not today pup," he warned. Charlie didn't seem fazed by his stern tone of voice because he reached up with his paws on David's chest, and bit his nose.

David's hand covered his nose and you could hear him rambling in Italian, guessing that he was swearing. Charlie sat back down in his lap and tilted his head to the side, clearly confused.

You giggled again and scratched behind Charlie's ear. David took his hand off his nose and gave you a disapproving look. "Don't reward his behavior," he huffed.

"Oh c'mon, Dave, you forget he's just a puppy." You kissed his nose, "it will be okay."

David rolled his eyes at you before leaning into you. You wrapped your arm around his shoulder and ran your fingers through his hair continuously. All the while Charlie curled up in a small little ball and started to doze off on David's lap.

He stroked his back, smiling to himself as he did so. You noted how happy he looked, and realized just how much you missed that carefree smile of his. So you leaned in and kissed the corner of his mouth swiftly.

He raised his eyebrow at you, "did you forget how to kiss or something?"

You chuckled, "nope, still know how it works." You leaned in again, this time capturing his lips in a soft kiss. He hummed into your mouth while placing his hands on your lower back. Charlie's light snores were what pulled you two apart.

"He has to learn some boundaries," David muttered, "like no interrupting the grown up time."

"He's just a puppy, David, and he's asleep."

"Asleep or not he still interrupted," he huffed back.

"Okay well I'll make sure he learns when he's allowed to snore or not," you teased.

He rolled his eyes at you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You snuggled up closer to him and watched him watch Charlie. It was like Charlie transferred some of his carefree happiness to David, and for that you were very, very thankful.

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