Part 3: The Land of Tea Drinkers

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On the morning the demigods were due to depart Hecate came to give them the last of the information that they needed.
"Right, you will need to go fetch your school supplies from Diagon Alley."
"Um, Lady Hecate, how are we getting there?" Leo asked
"You'll be getting there by plane."
All children of the big 3 immediately paled.
"Please tell me you're joking." Nico muttered.
"No I'm not. Zeus has allowed you 2 trips, meaning there and back. Which means.." Hecate stuttered on the last part.
"Which means we will be stuck in the UK until the end of the year." Annabeth finished
Everyone groaned. No one wanted to go in the first place, the thought of being stuck there just made it worse.
"Well we should get going, thank you Lady Hecate." Will said in the nicest way possible.
Everyone bowed and headed to the van where Argus was waiting to take them to the airport.
They all piled into the back and were soon on route to the airport.
"How long is the flight anyway?" Connor asked
"8 hours or something." Thalia said
Argus dropped them off and left. Now all they had to do was find the right plane. Annabeth lead them all to the front desk and asked for directions. They then walked for what felt like forever until they reached the right gate and Annabeth handed the lady a note.
"Ah yes, the plane is already, follow me."
The lady lead them down the tunnel toward the plane.
It was a decent size plane with nice seats and lots of leg room, like the whole plane was first class seats.
"Evening Ladies and Gents, this is your captain speaking. Welcome to Olympia Airlines. We will be departing shortly to Heathrow airport. This is an 8 and a half hour flight. We will be landing at about 5:50pm EGT."
They all settled into their seats. All the kids of the big 3 were looking scared out of their minds. Percy kept mumbling to Annabeth, she just ran her fingers through his hair comforting him. Kit was looking out the window which didn't seem like much until you looked closer and realised she was holding on to Connor for dear life. Hazel was curled up against Frank with her hands over her ears. Nico just looked more pale than usual and he was looking like he might throw up. Thalia didn't look great either. They pushed back and before they knew it they were on route to the UK. Everyone seemed to relax once they were in the air for 20 minutes and nothing had happened. Leo noticed a huge screen in the front so they spent the flight watching movies.
7 movies later they had landed in Heathrow airport.
"Ok we are meeting a lady  called Jamie." Annabeth announced as they made their way to the arrival doors
"Should we arrange ourselves in our ranks" Hazel asked.
They all nodded and got into their order, Percy and Kit in the front.
They walked through the arrival doors to be greeted by a girl around their age.
"Good evening your Majesty's"
"Good evening. Please, there is no need for formalities. We are so grateful for you coming to meet us." Percy said in a posh tone
Kit struggled to keep from laughing but managed to keep her composure. "Yes,  very grateful" she said also in a posh tone. At that point all the demigods were holding in their laughter.
"Well it's my pleasure, please call me Jamie." The girl called Jamie said. "This way then."
She led them towards a white limo and a driver came and collected their bags. They all piled in and pretty soon they were leaving Heathrow Airport and were making their way to the Scalewik household where they would be staying.
"Ok I'm sorry I can't speak posh anymore." said Percy. Everyone broke out into fits of laughter.
"It's alright, as you said, there are no need for formalities" Jamie said through fits of laughter.
"So tell us more about your family." Annabeth said disrupting the laughter.
"Well my family has always been associated with dragons. We have housed them in our family home for centuries actually. I live with my mother and I have two older siblings but they live in Romania now. You will also meet one of my friends who will be helping with tours and making sure you have everything."

They spoke the rest of the car ride. They learned a lot about Jamie's family and their history. They then discussed where they should go the next day.
Pretty soon they were pulling up iron gates, with dragons engraved into it. The gate swung open and closed behind them. Hazel swore she saw something move in the bushes. Something large and dark, with startling purple eyes.

They all piled out of the car and into the cool evening air. Hazel glanced in the direction she had seen the creature and noticed that Kit, Clarisse and Valerie did the same. Kit was tapping her pen on the side of her leg and Clarisse had her hand in her backpack where Hazel knew her weapons were stashed and Valerie had her coin in her palm.
"Don't worry. That's Frey. He is one of the dragons but he is harmless to us." Jamie reassured them.
They all relaxed slightly.

"Dilly! Dop!" Jamie shouted. There was a loud cracking sound and two weird elf like things appeared.

"You called Ms Jamie"

"Yes, please take the luggage into the assigned rooms"

The elves nodded and walked over to where the driver was unloading their luggage.

"Come on.  My mother will be anxious by now"

With that the Demigods all followed Jamie into the house. They found themselves in a grand entrance way. There was a high ceiling and a grand chandelier hanging from it. To their right there was a large family portrait. From a door at the end of the hallway an older women emerged.
"Welcome, welcome. We are so pleased to have you in our home. I hope the journey was alright. You're rooms are up on the first floor." Said Ms Scalewik.
"Thank you. The trip was alright. And we are truly grateful for your hospitality." Said Annabeth. The others all nodded in agreement.
"Come this way then."
Mrs Scalewik lead them into the kitchen and they all sat round the table. She brought out three large plates of cookies and two teapots and an assortment of cakes. The demigods all dug in, grateful for the food.
There was knock on the door and Jamie went to answer it. She walked back in with a pale boy with slick blond hair. "Everyone this is my friend Draco Malfoy."

There were a chorus of heys and hellos.

They talked for awhile with the wizards, telling them about America and what parts of their life were like. They made sure to leave out the bad parts.
About an hour later after the treats and tea had been cleared away, the demigods started asking Draco questions. They learnt a lot about him in that conversation. How he was in Slytherin and how his father was a death eater and all the wrongdoings he'd done. He apologised after saying that a lot could have been prevented if not for him. When he'd finished an owl swooped in and dropped a letter on the table.

Mrs Scalewik picked it up and opened it.
"Curse them! They have no right!"
"What's wrong?" Will asked

"This idiot still insists on them joining the war when we told him we refused to involve them, and now he says that there'll be an order meeting here in 10 minutes at our house!"

"Sorry who?" Reyna asked
"A group of wizards who are preparing to fight a war. Only they seek your help. They are worried that if they don't you will join the dark lord."
"What a load of #%*#"
"Language Kit!" Shouted Hazel
"I must say I agree with her. We have no interest in getting involved in another war." Valerie spoke up
They all nodded in agreement. They had heard the stories of Voldemort and Harry Potter. They knew about it all.

They decided to set themselves up an order to sit, at the center of the table the princes and princesses would sit, Percy and Kit would sit at the center, the Grace siblings sat themselves on Percy's side and the children of the Underworld sat on Kit's side. Their significant other would stand behind their seats and the rest of them would sit down when signalled. They took away the seats at the end of the table in order to create a sense of equality.

From the other side of the house a house elf squeaked "Madam the order has arrived."
"Thank you Dilly, let them in." Mrs Scalewik called back.

A few moments later the sound of footsteps and voices reached their ears and the Order of the Phoenix entered the room.
"What he doing here. He is a death eater!?" A black haired boy spoke pointing at Malfoy.

"If you haven't forgotten this is my house not yours. And Mister Malfoy is welcome here." Ms Scalewik said through gritted teeth

"Why don't you all take a seat so that we can start this meeting?" Percy spoke in a harsh, clipped tone that left no room for argument, the rest of the Americans took their seats in an orderly fashion along with the other occupants of the house, the Order all rushed to find a seat as Dumbledore opened his mouth to begin.

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