Part 11: Growing up too quickly

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Kit's head pounded. Her whole body ached. What had happened? She slowly tried opening her eyes but found that it took just too much effort, so she tried to open up her other senses. She was aware of someone playing with her hair and something patched to her chest. She could hear the faint mumbles of a conversation. She shifted as she tried to regain control of her body. Someone got up and she could hear footsteps retreating and someone muttering kind words in her ear, but there was too much pain to register what was being said. There were footsteps re-entering the room joined by another pair. Someone was clicking a button and having a conversation but it seemed so far off. She tried again to open her eyes. When she did manage to open them everything was blures of light and colors. Everything was fuzzy. She felt a sharp prick in her arm and the pain lessened a bit. The voices around her were becoming clearer.
"Hey Kit, it's ok." A gentle voice she registered as Connors said from somewhere near her.
"Kit can you hear me." This time it was Will.
"What happened?" She managed to croak out.
Someone grabbed her wrist and put two fingers by her vein probably to feel her pulse.
"You had a flashback," Will said in a calm voice.
The fuzzy blurs were starting to become clearer. She was in the common room on one of the sofas. She was lying on Connor who was playing with her hair. Will was crouched next to her seeming to be doing vitals. Kit shifted again this time looking at the ceiling. Percy was standing behind the couch looking at everything that was happening and she could hear a voice somewhere near where Will was. The patch on her chest was removed and the beeping in the background had stopped. Two pairs of strong arms lifted her into a sitting position. She crossed her legs and put her face in her hands trying to regain control of her body.
Connor rubbed circles on her back while muttering kind words to her and occasionally telling her a joke. Will, Nico, and Percy watched. Kit could sense that Percy was worried, that they were all worried. She finally looked up and put her head on Connor's shoulder.
"You ok Kit?" Nico asked
"Yeah...yeah I'm ok.."
Will crouched back in front of her. "Kit, I need you to be honest with me. That was the worst flashback in a while. Are you sure you're ok?"
Percy put a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah... I'm sure.. I think I'm just going to have a shower.." Kit got up a bit unsteady on her feet and stumbled her way to the bathroom. They heard the sounds of the water start.
The boys sat around waiting and eventually decided to try to do something productive. Will and Nico had to leave because they had a class but Will made Connor and Percy promise that they would call if anything happened. Connor had homework so he was going to try to finish it or even start it. Percy had to fill in a report for Chiron so he went to his room to finish that off. Kit finally emerged from the bathroom, feeling slightly better but still like she'd run head first into a brick wall and then dropped three hundred feet into a pool of concrete and then run over by a truck. She staggered into the room where Connor was sitting at the desk trying to do homework.
Kit grabbed some sweatpants and a tank top and went into the changing room. She walked back into the common room and sat on the window seat that looked out on to the lake. There was a slight drizzle outside and the fog was rolling down from the hills. She nestled herself in the corner with a pillow hugged right to her chest. She zoned out and watched as the rain poured harder and the wind outside picked up.

Percy and Connor walked out of their respective rooms. They both immediately noticed Kit staring out the window. Percy had a sad look in his eyes and Connor looked like he wanted nothing more than to go envelope Kit in a hug. But they both knew that at that moment Kit needed to be alone.
"Hey Kit, we're going to go down for dinner."
Percy told her.
"Thanks, I'm not that hungry..... you guys go ahead..." her voice was distant and she seemed deep in thought.
"Ok, let us know if you need anything."
"I will-"
Percy and Connor walked out the door leaving Kit by the window. They walked in silence towards the dining hall and went and sat with all the other demigods at the Gryffindor table.
"Is she coming?" Hazel asked
The boys shook their heads.
"She'll be ok Perce," Annabeth said as Percy sat next to her.
"I know but... I just wish I knew how to help.."
"I know you do but don't beat yourself up about it. We both know Kit wouldn't want you to be mopping."
"Yeah, you're right," Percy said trying to perk up.
With that, the food appeared and the Demigods all tucked in. The atmosphere lightened up and they all started talking again. If only it could've lasted.
"Why are you sitting here?" It was Weasel.
"And why can't we sit here? I don't see a sign saying we can't." Reyna spoke up.
The trio shot the demigods a dirty look and sat further down the table.
"They really have a problem," Nico muttered
"Even when we agreed to train Harry which will only start next week," Clarrise said through gritted teeth.
The Demigods continued to eat and then dessert appeared. All sorts of hot puddings and even a huge tub of ice cream. There were cakes and marshmallows and everything you could possibly need. Hazel was playing with a marshmallow when she suddenly had an idea. She whispered in Piper's ear and they both got up and left the great hall.
"What was that about?" Thalia asked
"No idea," Annabeth said

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