Part 18: About Time

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Hey Guys sorry its taken me so long to update this story, had a bit of writer's block and was incredibly busy with school. Anyway, here's the next chapter hope you enjoy

They stared into the setting sun, the warmth soaking into their skin. The cool breeze blew their hair and made the trees sway. Little grasshoppers chirped filling the quiet atmosphere. The lake's surface is like a mirror, reflecting the sky above, which is painted in hues of pink, orange, and purple as the sun sets behind the distant mountains. The air was filled with the sound of birds chirping and the occasional splash of a fish jumping out of the water. A magical sight that fills you with a sense of peace and wonder. It was perfect.

Connor turned to Kit, nothing but love shining in his eyes. This was the girl he'd fallen head over heels for, the girl he'd loved since the moment he laid eyes on her, the girl who'd been through hell and had trusted him enough to tell him about it. Kit wasn't just his girlfriend, she was a part of him, a part he couldn't live without, and as he stared lovingly into her eyes he made a decision, one that would change his life forever, a decision he would never regret.

"Kit I've known you since the day you arrived at Camp Half-Blood when you and Percy blew up the bathroom and moved into the Hermes cabin. I maybe didnt notice back then just what an important part of my life you'd become, you were always there for me when I needed you most. I only got the guts to ask you out after the Titan War and ever since my life has been full of so much love and support. It almost broke me when you went missing and again when I found out I was sent on a quest in the very opposite direction from where you were heading. I want to be there for the rest of the journey, every part,  you're never getting away from me, never again, so Katherine Helena Jackson, will you do me the honor of being my wife." Connor sunk to one knee and pulled out the most gorgeous ring. The gold band held the shining diamond, the words 'I'm with you always' engraved around the inside.

Kit's eyes shone with the reflection of the sun, a feeling of pure happiness filling her heart, tears brimmed her eyes, "Of course."

 Connor placed the ring onto Kit's finger then she jumped into Connor's arms and the two kissed with a deep passion. Nothing mattered at that moment except that they were together. One thing was clear, Connor and Kit belonged together.

"It's about time!" Clarrise said as they emerged from the tree line all running to the couple. Connor and Kit just laughed as the other demigods made their way over to the couple. There were congratulations all around and the demigods decided to have a picnic down by the lake as they watched the sunset over the hills. 

Kit couldn't have been happier. She was now engaged to the love of her life, the person who'd been there for her, the person she remembered after her memory was wiped, the person who was there for her when she woke up from nightmares, the person who had listened to her recount her experiences from hell, the person she couldn't live without.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange, pink, and purple, the demigods continued the celebration, the bonfire casting a warm glow over the gathering. Connor and Kit, still basking in the glow of their engagement, found a moment from the others, standing ankle deep in the shallows of the lake

Connor took Kit's hands in his, his eyes shining with love and adoration. "I can't believe you said yes," he said, a smile playing on his lips. "I feel like the luckiest guy in the world."

Kit's heart swelled with happiness as she looked into Connor's eyes. "I love you more than words can say," she replied, her voice filled with emotion. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

They stood there in silence for a moment, the sounds of laughter and music from the picnic drifting over to them. The water lapped gently at the shore, and a cool breeze rustled the leaves of the trees around them.

After a while, they rejoined the others, joining in the games and laughter. As the night wore on, the demigods gathered around the bonfire, their faces illuminated by its flickering light. They sang songs and told stories, the fire crackling and popping in the background.

As the stars began to twinkle overhead, someone suggested they go for a swim in the lake. The idea was met with enthusiasm, and soon the demigods were splashing and playing in the cool water, the moonlight dancing on the surface.

Connor and Kit stayed close to each other, their love shining brighter than ever. As they swam, Kit couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, surrounded by friends and loved ones, celebrating the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

As they emerged from the water, soaked to the bone, but laughing, Connor took Kit's hand and pulled her close. "I love you, Kit," he said, his voice soft but filled with conviction. "And I will love you for all eternity."

Kit smiled, her heart full. "I love you too, Connor," she replied, leaning in to kiss him. And in that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the night and the love of their friends, they knew that their love was truly meant to be and no gods, mosters, titans, giants or premordials were going to get in the way of that.

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