Part 26: Barely at School and it's already going bad

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As the train rattled along, the demigods and Jamie sat comfortably in their compartment near the back, the atmosphere buzzing with excitement and chatter. Leo, as usual, was full of energy, regaling them with tales of his latest inventions and escapades to Clarisse who didn't look very amused. Luckily for Leo, Reyna sat on the other side of Clarrise, shooting Leo warning glares whenever he said something that could get him thrown off the train.

Thalia lounged in her seat, her electric blue eyes flashing with amusement as Leo exaggerated his stories. Annabeth sat nearby, a small smile playing on her lips as she listened, occasionally interjecting with a comment or correction. Jamie sat beside Leo, laughing at his antics as his stories intensified.

Piper and Jason sat close together, Piper's hand resting on Jason's knee as they murmured softly to each other. Kit and Percy sat opposite them, their heads close together as they whispered and laughed. Kit occasionally punched Percy in the shoulder and Percy would in turn elbow her in the ribs, but both their sea-green eyes glowed with mischief.

Valerie and Hazel sat together, their conversation low and earnest. Hazel held a small package in her hands, a gift from Frank that she had yet to open. Valerie's eyes were bright with curiosity as she watched Hazel.

Frank and Connor sat at either end of the compartment, deep in conversation. Frank held a small, intricately carved figurine in his hands, a gift from Hazel that he admired with a mixture of awe and gratitude. Connor listened attentively, occasionally nodding or offering a comment of his own.

Nico and Will sat together near the window, their hands intertwined as they watched the scenery fly by. Just enjoying the simple things that life had to offer. 

Soon enough there was the familiar shouts of "Anything from the trolly?" Echoeing along the corridor. 

"What do we wanna get?" Percy asked standing up with Leo to go retrieve the goods.

"Chocolate frogs,"

"Bertie bots,"

"Pumpkin pasties,"


"I don't care as long as its food!"

"Licorice wands,"


"Ok, ok!" Percy shouted stopping the chatter.

"We'll just get a whole lot," Leo said and the two exited the compartment and made their way to the trolly lady. 

Leo started listing off a whole lot of various things to the little women. Percy though, was distracted by a commotion further on. A boy Percy didn't recognise and Draco stood nose to nose, the tension thick between them, a shouting match brewing. 

Leo handed the Lady the money and she started piling the stuff into his hands. 

"You listen here!" But Draco was cut off by a first-year carrying a cup of hot butterbeer, running straight into him, spilling the hot drink down his white shirt. 

"What the Bloody Hell!" He shrieked. The scared first year ran for his life, but Percy wasn't listening anymore. 

Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it. 

"Percy man, you alright?" Percy heard Leo's voice echoing somewhere close. 

Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it.

Too late. 

Percy was back, bound by the tight chains that dug into his wrists, rubbing the skin off, cutting off his circulation. His back burned like hot acid, his lungs were on fire, and everything hurt. His own screams haunted him, echoing off the walls around. The wicked, malicious laugh of the titans standing around the room. The sound of Kit's screams as the hot knife was pressed into her already scarred shoulder. The sickening smell of burning flesh. Blood pooling on the floor around him, soaking his clothes.




Then, relief as the water was spilt along his back. But that relief never lasted. The water was only to keep them alive. What followed was always worse. Pain, interrogation, torture and more pain. Annabeth's desperate screams echoed through the fortress. The fact that he couldn't see her only fueled his determination. No matter what, he wouldn't say anything.

They didn't like that. 

After realising on the second day that none of the information they had been giving them was useful. The torture intesified. Cuts were deeper, sessions lasted longer, and the screams grew louder. Until they stopped. Until they stopped feeling anything. They could do what ever they wanted; no sound ever escaped. Percy and Kit were determined to stay silent. No matter how long the sessions lasted. No matter how much it hurt. No matter how close it brought them to death. They wouldn't utter a sound. The titans weren't getting anything out of them. 

On day 4, Percy almost gave up hope. He was about to break. He was ready to give up. Kit, who hung opposite him looked about the same. Blood trickled onto the floor, the edges of his vision were darkening, the world seemed to be caving in. 

Then he met Kits eyes. 

A strong sense of determination erupted inside him. They were going to make it out of this, not matter the cost. They had to find Annabeth, she was close, but they weren't sure where, but she was alive. Looking into his sister eyes, Percy shared an internal conversation with her. It wasn't easy, it took a lot of concentration, but he got through to her. 

"We have to get out of here," Percy said in his mind.

"No shit sherlock," Came Kits voice, tired and scratchy.

"How long do we have till they get back," 

"Maybe an hour?" 

"Ok, we're going to get out of here, we just gotta think,"

"Thats usually why we have Annabeth," 

"We can do it,"

On 6, after relentless days of torture, Percy and Kit managed to free themselves. Power erupted like a geiser and the titans were defeated in minutes. Now they just had to find Annabeth. Gods Percy hoped she was unharmed. He was stumbling through the dark corridors, groping blindly, unable to find anything. Where was she?

"Percy," A voice said ripping through the fabric of his flashback. That voice was hers. It was her voice. The  voice he loved so much. 

"Percy, we arent there anymore," Annabeths voice said, cracking with desperation. 

Like a light had been switched on, Percy was pulled from the flashback and slammed into the real world. Everything hurt. It felt like a Hyperborean giant was sitting on him. 

He was lying on the floor of a compartment. Annabeth kneeling next to him, gripping his hand. The world kept spinning out of focus. Pain threatened to overwhelm him. But he stayed awake. Fighting the darkness that clouded the corners of his eyes. 

"Thank the gods," Annabeth whispered, hugging Percy close. Will injected something into his forearm and shoved a square of ambrosia down his throat. Instently the pain lessened and he was able to see the familiar, worried faces of the others. Kit looked pale, sweat beaded along her forehead, her hand gripped tightly around Connors. 

Percy felt guilty. The one thing that wasn't so great about being twins, another than the fact that Kit was also one of the biggest pains in his ass, was they also felt each others pain. Literally. After the Aurai, a curse had been placed upon them. If one of them was injured, the other would feel the extend of the pain. Not fun. Escpecially not if the twins in question had such severed PTSD that flashbacks were common. Not to mention they were also pretty clumsy. Not the point. Anyway..

With the help of Will and Annabeth Percy slowly sat up, that had been one of the worst flashbacks he'd had in awhile. He could tell it, Annabeth could tell it, Will could tell it, and Kit could definitely tell it. 

"Not even at school yet," Percy muttered, trying to lighten the mood. 

It worked. Everyone cracked a smile, glad to see he was ok. This term was going to be chaotic. They hadn't even entered school grounds and trouble was already brewing. This was going to be interesting.

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