Part 5: Shopping?

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Connor woke to a Kit jumping on top of him.
"Wake up loser!"
"What why!?"
"Ms Scalewik is serving breakfast in ten minutes and then we are going to get our school supplies."
"Well in that case.."
Connor threw Kit off of him which resulted in Kit falling on the floor and tripping Connor as he tried to get up.
The couple made their way downstairs to the kitchen, the smell off bacon drifting up their noses.
When they got to the kitchen they found the table decked with eggs, bacon, sausages, muffins, coffee and orange juice. Ms Scalewik was busy flipping pancakes.
The others were all seated at the table already.
Connor grabbed a plate and started dishing himself up some breakfast.
The smell in that kitchen was heavenly. They had a casual breakfast which was nice for a change. The Scalewiks had tríelo opened their home to them. They all felt so welcome.

"Today we are going to get everything you will need for school." Ms Scalewik said as she set down the pancakes on the table
They finished up breakfast and went back upstairs to get ready.
An hour later they were all standing in the living room.
"How are we getting there?" Leo asked
"We will go by floo powder." Jamie said
"Right take a pinch and stand in the fire place." Ms Scalewik instructed Kit "now make sure you speak very clearly and say diagon alley. Nice and clearly."
"Diagon Alley!" Kit said
She was immediately smothered in green flames and she disappeared.
Everyone followed her lead and a while later they were all standing in the entrance to an alley filled with people. They could see shops selling all sorts of things from cauldrons to toads.
"Right, this way dears." Said Ms Scalewik.
She lead them through the streets to a huge bank. Inside there were goblins everywhere. Ms Scalewik lead them to the end of the room to a goblin sitting on a high chair behind a rather tall desk. "This is the Olympia family, here to collect money from their vaults."
"I see, welcome your majestys . Right this way. Follow me." Said the goblin jumping off his perch and leading them down to a rickety looking
The cart took them to the deepest part of the bank.  Percy, Kit, Annabeth and Nico all visibly paled as they descended.
"The Olympia vaults." announced the goblin.
Everyone hopped out the cart and the goblin lead them past 24 huge sets of doors to one enormous door at the end of the room. "Right, I need the highest ranking officials." Percy and Kit stepped forward. "Now place your hands on the door." They did as the goblin said. The door opened. Inside were huge piles of all sorts of things from Greek and Roman armour to chunks of gold. The goblin told them which coins were which and they each took a bag.
After what felt like an awfully long cart ride back they were all relieved to find themselves in the sunlight. Ms Scalewik hustled them into a robe shop to which they all got fitted. They then went and got all the books and supplies they needed.
After a long day of shopping they travelled back to the Scalewik household. Ms Scalewik made cookies while the demigods and Jamie talked.

By the time the evening came everyone was exhausted but they decided to watch a movie. Ms Scalewik brought them popcorn and they spent the next 2 hours just enjoying each other's company.
After that they all went to bed, and of course, the nightmares lay waiting.


Sorry I know it's short
If anyone has any ideas as to what to add please feel free to let me know

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