Part 7: The sorting ceremony

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The train ground to a halt and Jamie led the demigods out of the station towards the carriages.
"What are they?" Thalia asked.
They were staring a dark skeleton like horses.

"They're Thestrals." Nico explained "They can only be seen by those who have seen death."
Percy and Kit along with Nico and Hazel all spent a good 5 minutes talking with the horses.
"So this is what the twins feel like." Hazel muttered as she stroked one of the Thestrals. "Hey it's your horse that need to mind his language." Kit laughed.
"Says you." Hazel retorted
After that everyone decided that they should just get to the castle.

When they walked through the doors they were greeted by a stern looking witch who the demigods recognised from the order meeting.
"Your majesties, welcome. Please come this way."
She led them into a room just of a huge set of doors.
"The first years will be sorted first and then there will be an announcement about your arrival. She then left them and they all started talking about houses and the architecture, *Annabeth.
After what felt like hours even though it was really only minutes they were called by the witch and she left them waiting outside the big set of doors.
"And now, as I'm sure some of you have heard, we will be hosting members of the Olympia family...." A muffled voice said through the door.

"Quick in order!" Annabeth hissed
They all hastily arranged themselves into their order.
".. Now without further ado, I give you the Olympia family."
The doors opened and they walked in down towards the end where the stern which was standing with a scroll. On a chair in front of them their was a frumpy looking hat.
"Right when I call your name, please come up and the sorting hat will be placed on your head."

"Chase, Annabeth!"
Annabeth made her way up to the stool and put the hat on her head.


"Let's see then very intelligent, resourceful, full of pride I see, cunning. Now let's see,
Better be Slytherin!"
Annabeth heard the hat shout the last part out loud.
She then made her way to the table with the green snake and sat near the end.

"Di Angelo, Nico!"

And so the sorting went
Nico was sorted into Gryfindor, Thalia was also, Jason went to Ravenclaw. Hazel and Will both went to Huffelpuff. Clarisse went to Ravenclaw, Frank went to Huffelpuff as well as Connor. Valerie went to Ravenclaw. Finally it was the twins turn. Kit went first and was sorted into Gryffindor. Percy then went and ended up also being selected into Gryffindor. Reyna also went. Lastly it was Piper.
"Better be Slytherin!" The hat shouted. Annabeth couldn't have been more relieved.
Piper came over to Annabeth and smiled.

"Apparently I'm very cunning and persuasive." Piper said wriggling her eyebrows.
Dumbledore then stood
"So a very warm welcome to your majesty's, now..."
He went in to talk all about rules and forbidden forest and what not. As his speech came to and end everyone applauded.
"Now let the feast begin."

Suddenly food appeared in front of them and the feast began.
The prefects then lead them their separate ways towards the dormitories.

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