Part 24: The attack on Mr Weasley

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"Again Harry," Kit shouted as she parried Harry's attack. He had improved using a sword in the last couple of months. Today was their last practice before the Christmas holidays and the demigods were determined to push Harry to his limits, to really test how much he'd improved, and the progress was evident. 

"Keep your defense up Harry," Percy shouted from the sidelines coaching Harry through the match. Harry listened and managed to block another one of Kit's attacks. 

The fight ended with Kit disarming Harry, however, the twins were impressed with just how far he'd come. 

Annabeth, Reyna, Thalia, Percy and Leo clapped for Harry as the pair walked off the fighting mat. 

"I think that's it for today Harry. I must say we're all quite impressed," Annabeth said. The others left and Kit sat taking off her combat gear while Harry did the same. 

Kit glanced up and for the first time noticed just how pale and tired Harry looked. Dark bags circled his eyes and his complexion was far paler than usual. 

"Harry, have you been sleeping?" Kit asked, her voice soft with concern as she noticed the dark circles under his eyes and the weariness in his gaze.

Harry looked up at her, seeming to have an inner conflict. Eventually, though, he decided to tell her. "It's Voldemort," he started, his voice low, almost a whisper. "He's in my head, haunting my dreams. It's like he's eating away at me, controlling me."

Kit's heart sank as she heard his words. She knew all too well what it was like to be haunted by one's past, by memories that refused to fade. Her every waking moment was plagued by the horrors of Tartarus, the darkness and despair that seemed to seep into her very soul.

"Harry, next time this happens, I need you to tell me," Harry nodded and left shortly after. 

Kit sat there for a while thinking about what Harry had told her. If what he was saying was true, and Kit was certain it was, then Harry had no control over himself when Voldemort was in his mind, which was a big problem. 

 A soft knock on the door disrupted her from her thoughts. When she looked up, Connor was standing there, a slight smile on his face. 

"Hey," Kit said standing up and walking over to her fiance. 

"Hey," Connor replied giving her a quick peck on the lips, "I thought we'd do something, just the two of us,"

Kit liked the sound of that, "What did you have in mind," 

"Connor where are we going!" Kit shouted as Connor dragged her along through the halls.

"You'll see," was all he said. 

The pair came to a stop and Connor put his hand over Kit's eyes and led her into a room. 

"Ok, open," Connor said. When Kit opened her eyes she found herself standing in a room lit with candles. In the center of the room was a picnic blanket with a selection of all of Kit's favorite foods. And the best part, it was all blue.

"You didn't have to do this," Kit said wrapping her arms around Connor. 

"Yes I did, we deserve this." Connor said pulling Kit into a kiss. 

The pair sat there for the rest of the evening, talking, laughing, and just enjoying each other's company without the fate of the world resting on their shoulders. 

If only it could have lasted. 

It was about midnight when Professor McGonagall found them. 

"Ms Jackson I need you to come with me," She said as Kit and Connor rose to their feet. 

"Why? What happened?" Kit asked confused. 

"Mr Potter had a bit of an episode, we can't get a straight word out of him except that he wants to speak to you," McGonagall said. 

"Well lets go," Kit said, "Connor tell the others in the morning,"

As Kit walked briskly through the halls of Hogwarts with McGonagall, her mind raced with questions. What had happened to Harry?

They reached the gargoyle and McGonagall spoke the password which happened to be lemon drops. Why? Kit had no idea. 

They quickly ascended up the stairs and entered the office without knocking. The Weasely siblings stood to one side looking confused and tired. Dumbledore was pacing in front of his desk and Harry stood alone in the middle of the room. 

"Thank you for coming Ms Jackson," Dumbledore said as Kit made her way over to Harry. 

"They found him," A man from a portrait said to Dumbledore. The pair had a quick discussion which Kit ignored. 

"Harry, what happened?" Kit asked firmly placing a hand on the boy's shoulder making him meet her eyes. 

"Voldemort, the snake, I attacked him, I couldn't stop myself, I.. I..." Harry was hyperventilating. 

"Harry!" Kit snapped and the boy met her eyes again, "Slow down, I need you to tell me what you saw,"

"Mr Weasely, a snake, Voldemort, he was in my head again, I couldn't stop myself, it's like, like I was the snake," Harry was freaking out. He was scared of himself, scared of what he'd done. 

"Ms Jackson, I will ask you to escort Harry and the Weasley children to Grimald Place and inform Sirius and Molly of what has happened," Dumbledore came closer and whispered the last part, "Help Harry, don't let him dig himself into a grave, I know you understand, you can get through to him. I'll alert Ms Scalewik to your early departure from school so she can pick you up sometime tomorrow," Dumbledore then turned to address the Weasleys and Harry, "Gather close children," They gathered around a table, holding onto a kettle. Kit noticed the look in Harry's eyes, a look that wasn't his. Then, the office melted away and they were in the kitchen of what Kit assumed was Grimwald place. 

Sirius and Molly were in the kitchen waiting when they arrived. Kit approached them quickly to explain the situation and Molly left shortly after. 

Kit felt out of place sitting with the wizards in the kitchen. She had pulled Sirius aside to explain her thoughts and although Sirius didn't really trust her, but he cared for his godson and knew that she wouldn't be there if this wasn't important. After all, Dumbledore had been the one to send her. They sat in the kitchen drinking butterbeer waiting for Molly to return, hopefully with good news.

Molly came back and informed everyone that Mr Weasley was fine and was resting in the hospital. Ms Scalewik was due to pick Kit up within the next hour. Kit decided to find Harry and talk to him before she left. 

She found him in his room with Ginny, Ron and Hermione. He didn't look as rough as he had last night but the guilt was written all over his face. 

"Hey Katherine," Ginny said noticing her first. 

"Please don't call me that, I think we've gotten to the point where you can call me Kit," Kit said coming into the room. 

"Thank you, for everything," Harry said as Kit took a seat next to Ginny on the floor. 

"Harry, I know what it's like to be plagued by someone in your sleep, I also know how to cope, the least I could do was be there for you," 

Harry nodded in thanks, "Look I know we didn't get off on the right foot but I think we need to start over," Harry held out his hand which Kit shook. 

"I know you've gone through some crazy thing Harry, I think learning that there were people who've been through more was a bit of a shock, but I agree, we need a do-over,"

"Princess Katherine," Kreacher said from the doorway startling all of them, "Ms Scalewik has arrived," 

"Thanks," Kit said getting to her feet, "I'll see you guys at school, and Harry, if you need to talk, send an owl,"

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