Part 4: The Order

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"We are..."

"We know who you are." Hazel cut him off, her gold eyes seemed to flash with danger as she looked them all in the eye, like she was assessing the enemy making them all feel uncomfortable and fidget in their seats. "Who you all are, we would greatly appreciate it if we could leave the introductions and skip straight to the real reason behind this meeting Dumbledore."

Who does she think she was. Talking to greatest wizard of all time like that. The Order raised their eyebrows at the level of authority that this 14-year-old had.

The rest of the demigods fought to keep the smirks off their faces at how proud they all felt of Hazel at that moment, but Nico didn't even bother to keep that grin that he wore across his face, Frank placed a hand on Hazel's shoulder allowing a small smirk to show on his

Moody glared and slammed a fist on the table glaring at the young girl. "Do you even know who you were just talking to like that girl? You best show some respect?" He growled at her.

"I do believe that respect is a thing that is earned, and of course, we know who he is Alastor, do you honestly believe that our parents would send us somewhere completely blindfolded?" Thalia snapped as she took out one of her daggers and started spinning it round her hand. "And let's get one thing straight now. It isn't girl. It's princess to you."

"Well Alastor, I do think they have a point, we should begin." Dumbledore said smoothing the tension.

"The Ministry has tried to shut down the fact that Volde-"

"Has returned? Oh we know, you know Duchess Hecate, informed us weeks ago. Like we said, they wouldn't send us in blind." Reyna snapped.
"We have also heard from Jamie and Draco."

"Why would you listen to him!" Harry frowned at them. "He's probably lying to you!" He protested.

"Are you saying that we shouldn't believe him just because of his birth right and who or what his father has done?"
Annabeth spoke from behind Percy, an eyebrow raised, Harry blushed in embarrassment and sat back down

"What would you know? If you knew what he and his family did and what he's done then you'd be on our side." Ron glowered at them, Annabeth's jaw was set hard and the grip she had on Percy's chair tightened, Percy reached for her hand and grasped it in his own and gave it a kiss effectively calming her down.

"We know what they've done. He's admitted to his mistakes, he's taken ownership of them and acknowledged the fact that what he's done was wrong, if he's willing to do that and work towards being a better person then I don't see why we should have any reason not to trust him. His actions are already starting to speak larger than his apologies. He's never done anything to us, so please leave us out of your petty rivalry." Piper replied. Draco gave her a tense smile in thanks.

"And you ask what we know? Don't get me started.There's already too much drama in our family to begin with." Nico let out a snarky laugh.

"Are you suggesting that she shouldn't have had a second chance? Even when she realised the mistakes that she had been manipulated into making?"
Clarisse bit out.

"That we shouldn't have given him any more chances regardless of how many times he'd tried to kill me. Even though he decided to do the right thing in the end?" Percy questioned.

"Even though he poisoned me to the point of death?" Thalia continued

"Ahold we not forgive him, even though he nearly tore his family apart and manipulated the people who were closest to him to reach a goal he thought would benefit all of us?" Annabeth glared

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