Part 25: Christmas at the Scalewiks

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Kit hardly slept for the two days she was by herself at the Scalewik's house. She tried, of course, but without Connor there to coach her out of nightmares, it just wasn't possible. She spent her days helping Ms. Scalewik around the house and gardens. The baby dragons grew to like her, although the older ones tended to stay away. Today was Christmas Eve, and the others were due at King's Cross Station in the next half-hour. Ms. Scalewik had left her to go collect them, so Kit sat alone in her room, waiting for their return.

As she sat by the window, the snow outside softly falling, the baby dragons running around chirping and hissing playfully while they were eyed with distaste by the older ones. The cup of hot chocolate Ms Scalewik had made was curled within her fingertips, the warm steam making swirling patterns through the air. 

She missed the others. Sure, they could be irritating sometimes, but they were family, they were her family. They were the people who understood her, who understood her pain, her trauma, the people she had fought back to back with, the people she trained with, the people she'd who stood by her side when the world collapsed. The people she trusted most, and without them, her world felt empty. 

The lack of sleep was definitely catching up with her. She must have zoned out because soon enough she heard the crack of Dilly and Dop exiting the house to help collect bags. She peered out and sure enough there they were, piling out of the limo and quickly being ushered into the house by Ms Scalewik. 

Kit got up quickly and made her way down the stairs. She got there just as the door opened. Connor was the first in the door looking for her. Locking eyes Kit ran into Connor's arms. Getting enveloped in his warm embrace. The others chuckled as they made their way inside. Sure it had only been two days, but those two days had pretty much been torture. 

Kit finally let go and went to greet everyone else. They had been worried when they woke up and Kit wasn't there that morning. Kit had received an iris message as soon as they were all awake and she explained Harry's vision and Dumbledore's favour. But now they were all together again. 

"Come along dears, there's hot chocolate in the kitchen and dinner will be ready shortly." 

"I missed you," Connor whispered as he linked his arm through Kits and led her toward the kitchen. 

"I missed you too," Kit whispered back and they went off to join the others in the kitchen. 

**time skip, christmas morning**

Percy woke up to the sound of Leo's voice, belting out a rather off-key rendition of "Jingle Bells" that echoed through the Scalewik household. He groaned, feeling Annabeth stir beside him. She buried her head deeper into his chest, clearly not ready to face the day yet.

"Merry Christmas, wise girl," Percy said, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Mmm, merry Christmas, Seaweed Brain," she mumbled, her voice still heavy with sleep.

"Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells!" Leo shouted at the top of his lungs from somewhere in the house. 

"Looks like Leo's really getting into the Christmas spirit," Percy said with a grin.

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "I swear, that boy has no sense of time or place."

Before Percy could respond, there was a loud crash from somewhere else in the house, followed by Clarisse's voice shouting, "Leo, I swear to all the gods! If you don't shut up, I'll push you off the roof!"

Percy winced, wondering what Leo had done now to incur Clarisse's wrath. Before he could investigate, Reyna's voice cut through the chaos, her tone commanding, "Could you both shut it!" 

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