Chapter 3: The Sinister Doctor

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The man dressed in the white lab coat revealed himself as Kyudai Garaki, also known as Doctor, the twisted mastermind behind the League of Villains' Nomufication process. With a chilling smile, he began to explain the horrifying ordeal that awaited Midoriya.

"Ah, Midoriya Izuku, you truly are a special case," Doctor mused, his voice laced with a perverse fascination. "You possess the quirk known as One For All, a power that has been passed down through generations. And you, my dear subject, are the ninth user."

Midoriya's eyes widened in shock. How could Doctor possibly know about One For All? The weight of his legacy as the ninth user bore down upon him, mingling with the fear of what was to come.

"The Nomufication process is a delicate and intricate one," Doctor continued, his tone unnervingly calm. "It involves a series of torturous experiments designed to enhance your body and implant quirks that suit our purposes."

Midoriya's heart sank as Doctor described the process in meticulous detail. The torment he would endure, both physical and psychological, was beyond comprehension.

"First, we will subject you to excruciating pain," Doctor explained, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "We will push your body to its limits, testing your resilience and breaking down any semblance of resistance. The agony will be unbearable, but it is necessary to prepare your body for the alterations that will follow."

A chill ran down Midoriya's spine as he realized the torment that awaited him. Every fiber of his being screamed to fight back, to resist, but he knew that defying the League's plans would only lead to more suffering.

"Next, we will implement quirks onto your body," Doctor continued, his voice devoid of any empathy. "Through a series of surgical procedures and genetic manipulations, we will forcefully fuse multiple quirks into your being. Your body will become a vessel for our experiments, a tool to carry out our destructive goals."

The weight of the impending changes pressed upon Midoriya's chest, threatening to suffocate him. His mind raced, contemplating the horrors that awaited him, and the thought of losing himself, of becoming nothing more than a puppet for the League, filled him with despair.

"But that's not all, Midoriya," Doctor's voice took on a more sinister tone. "We will erase your memories, your very sense of self, and program your brain and body to obey our every command. You will become a loyal servant, bound to carry out our darkest desires without hesitation."

Tears welled up in Midoriya's eyes as he grappled with the magnitude of his impending fate. The thought of losing his memories, of becoming a mere vessel for destruction, was an unbearable weight upon his soul.

Doctor reveled in Midoriya's despair, his twisted satisfaction evident in his eyes. "You see, Midoriya, we selected you as our test subject precisely because of your connection to One For All. Your potential is immense, and with your power under our control, we can strike a blow that will shatter the foundations of hero society."

Midoriya's hands clenched into fists, his resolve hardening amidst the turmoil within him. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him, he vowed to find a way to resist, to protect the legacy of One For All, and to reclaim his identity from the clutches of the League.

Within the confines of that cold, foreboding cell, Midoriya's determination burned brighter than ever. The battle for his soul, his freedom, and the fate of countless lives had begun, and he would fight with every ounce of strength he had left.

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