Chapter 17: The Puppet's Dance

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As the fierce battle waged on, Bakugou, fueled by a mixture of anger and frustration, saw an opportunity to strike at Shigaraki directly. With a furious yell, he charged forward, determined to take down the villain responsible for twisting Midoriya into this monstrous form.

"Shigaraki! I won't let you get away with this!" Bakugou's voice reverberated through the room, his explosive power igniting around him.

But before he could reach his target, Midoriya, his modified body moving with unnatural speed, intercepted Bakugou's attack. The once-bright and determined hero was now an emotionless shell, a puppet enslaved by Shigaraki's control.

Bakugou's eyes widened with a mix of shock and despair as Midoriya effortlessly deflected his assault. The realization hit him hard—his childhood friend was no longer the person he had known and admired.

"Damn it, Deku! Snap out of it! Fight back!" Bakugou's voice cracked with desperation, his fists clenched tightly.

Midoriya, devoid of emotion, turned his attention back to Shigaraki, shielding him from Bakugou's wrath. His actions spoke louder than any words he could utter—he had become a pawn, a tool in the hands of the League of Villains.

Shigaraki, his sadistic smile widening, reveled in the despair evident on the faces of the heroes. "You see? Your precious friend is under my control. He dances to my tune, his every move dictated by my will."

Todoroki, his voice laced with anger and determination, stepped forward. "We won't let you get away with this, Shigaraki! We'll find a way to bring Midoriya back!"

Shigaraki's laughter filled the room, chilling the heroes to their core. "Oh, you can try. But remember, he is no longer the Midoriya you once knew. He has been molded into a perfect servant—one that follows my every command."

Uraraka, tears welling in her eyes, called out to Midoriya. "Deku, please! Remember who you are! We're your friends, your allies!"

But Midoriya remained motionless, his gaze fixed on Shigaraki. He was a shell of his former self, a tragic embodiment of the League's twisted experiments.

Aizawa, his voice firm, addressed his students. "We can't afford to give up. We have to keep fighting, keep searching for a way to break the hold Shigaraki has over Midoriya. We will save him, no matter what it takes."

The heroes steeled themselves, their resolve burning brighter than ever. Though they faced a seemingly insurmountable challenge, they would not surrender to despair. They would find a way to free Midoriya from the clutches of darkness and restore the hero they once knew.

As the battle raged on, hope fought against despair. Each blow struck, each word spoken, carried the weight of their unyielding determination. For in their hearts, they still believed that the light within Midoriya could be reignited, no matter how dim it seemed.

With every passing moment, the heroes continued to fight, their unwavering spirit acting as a beacon amidst the encroaching darkness. The battle for Midoriya's soul had only just begun, and they were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead in their quest to bring their friend back from the brink.


Hey, just gonna put two parts today because I made some calculations and for now on I'm just gonna put 1 chapter per day, sorry....

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